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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Whenever I do any workout, I'm short of breath and I need to poop.

    Beginner Fitness: Whenever I do any workout, I'm short of breath and I need to poop.

    Whenever I do any workout, I'm short of breath and I need to poop.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Sorry for the title, this is not graphic I assure you.

    I am tired of being Fat and I feel I have reached and passed my breaking point. Something that has inspired me greatly is making a Weight loss journal, keeping track of what I have done.

    I am 30F, weighing at 220 pounds.

    Problem #1:

    Recently my childhood Asthma has been acting up, because remodeling my Family's Family house.

    I have 1 inhaler, twice a day. And a machine I use eith little saline water. Usually before going to sleep.

    Problem #2:

    Whenever I do any sort of workout, WARM UPS even, I have to run to the bathroom. This can be needing to urine suddenly or worse run, and barely make it, to poop.

    I live on the 9th floor, so going for a simple walk means if I have to run back will possibly cause me to shit my pants, something that happened to me once (lucky that time I lived in a house with a forest and hosed myself off for the wilderness to see)

    I drink a lot of water, but all of this pooping isn't really making me lose weight, and I don't feel sick, it's just a horrible urge to use the bathroom.

    I don't know what workouts I can do that won't cause me to be out of breath or make me run to the bathroom.

    submitted by /u/Haunting-ShePirate
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    Recommendation for supplements while losing weight?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:09 PM PST

    I saw a post on a different subreddit and it made me think about this. I've just started my weight loss journey about a month ago and so I'm obviously eating less while trying to make most of the foods I do eat, healthier. In turn, I'm feeling hungry a lot and in a bad mood most of the time because of it. Everyday I'm worried about what meals I'll have and if I can fit in a snack and still be under my calories for the day. All while cooking for a family of 5 some of whom are actually trying to GAIN weight so, go figure.

    My point is that I feel like I might be missing out on some key vitamins or other things I might need to be taking supplements for. Is there a recommended set of supplements you can take to aid in weight loss or assist in keeping you healthy while losing weight and eating less?

    I heard fish oil and vitamin D so far but I also was picking up some fiber gummies at the store and noticed some of them aid in appetite suppression? They said weight management and I was intrigued but don't want to introduce anything that might screw me up so I figured I'd ask here!

    Also, I'm a 23 year old woman, which I'm sure is important in deciding what kind of supplements to be taking.

    submitted by /u/Serious-Booty
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    Partner Workout Routine (Follow Along!)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Just in time for Valentine's Day, this workout is about doing things together. So grab a partner and let's hit it.

    Follow Along Here

    Each of the exercises today will have a partner component. You don't need to be at the same level. Just make sure to keep an open line of communication if one needs to slow down or if you can push further.

    You will need: One object to pass back and forth. Great if you have a medicine ball or a dumbbell, but it can be anything with some weight you can pass easily enough.

    Here's the exercises:

    • Squat Pass: Grab an object with some weight. Anything will do. Stand a ful arms length apart, facing each other. Squat down together. Reach out and pass the item (or toss!) to your partner at the top of the rep. Squat down together and repeat.

    • Push Up High Fives: Start in push up position, facing one another head to head. Perform a push up (knees only is fine!). At the top of the rep, slap a high five with both hands.

    • Chair Pose Planks: Partner 1 starts in chair pose. Partner 2 kicks their feet up onto Partner 1's knees and holds a plank. This one is tough! Switch after 1 minute.

    • Partner Plank Rows: Partner 1 starts lying flat on the floor. Partner 2 stands between Partner 1's legs. Squat down, pick their legs up, and perform a standing Row motion. The Planking Partner (2) should keep their body rigid and straight the entire time. Switch after 1 minute.

    • Assisted Partner Pistols: Grab each other's forearms for the best grip you can. The squatter will squat as low as they can on one leg (doesn't have to be low!). Use your partner's arm to PULL up while pushing up with the squat. 30 seconds per leg, per partner.

    • Plank Quakes: This is a fun one. Partner 1 starts in a sphinx plank position. Partner 2 stands straddling them at around the hips. Hold plank while your partner knocks the heck out of you and tries to get you to topple over! Switch after 1 minute.

    Remember today is about being together. You don't need to be at the same level. Modify and make it fun. Hope you enjoy!

    submitted by /u/FitInWithUs
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    Lunchtime workout

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:54 AM PST

    I am not a very active person and I am currently working from home. I get an hour lunch break and I am looking for ideas for good lunchtime workouts. Ideally I want something that I can do in my living room, that won't take more than 20min and won't leave me super sweaty (so no crazy cardio). Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/_I_should_be_writing
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    TONED ARMS AND HIIT (upper body tone and FAT LOSS - 10 different moves with light dumbbells)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:31 AM PST

    This is a toned arms and HIIT workout. It's great for all levels and to burn calories in the shortest time, all at home with light dumbbells. Anyone can get started! Any feedback would be great.


    submitted by /u/RinaChoice
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    Is newbie gains still a thing if I work out sporadically for example I kinda started working out 2 years ago then stopped and now I'm starting again. Can I expect rapid growth or no?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:37 PM PST

    Does the barbell bent-over row not feel right or causing back pain? Make these changes and watch what happens!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:46 AM PST

    When your new in the gym it's easy to get into the habit of following the people you see exercising around you. You assume since they're "big and strong" they must know what they're doing. What you don't know is how much pain they are in from bad form and technique over the years.

    If the barbell row doesn't feel right to you when doing them make sure you're not making these simple mistakes.

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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    How would you define resistance training?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST

    We all know that resistant training is good for you in many ways. Helps build muscles, maintain muscles etc. but how much resistance is considered enough for maintaining muscles? I know you don't need to be a power lifter, but what's the minimum?

    submitted by /u/SumoDash
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    Got some questions about me running a program

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    So I'm thinking about running a small program in my community (From NWT Canada). In the gym at my local school. So I just have some questions for you guys and gals who can answer them.

    -Can youth use protein shakes? Like to improve their gainz (lol) and fitness? Their ages might be around 12-17. Would it affect their health?

    -Which Brand of workout shoes is best for bodyweight, weight lifting, and running? All in one or individual shoes? *Reebok, UnderArmour, Nike, Inov8, Adidas, Puma or other brands that you use.

    -Is there a difference in protein shakers? Like do some act differently than others?

    -I'm thinking of asking the local government here for a sponsorship so I can get some of the stuff I've mentioned. Like foam rollers, water bottles, protein shakers, etc. Think it might be possible?

    A little background: I'm a young Indigenous man from NWT Canada. I've always been interested in fitness since high school. Served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 3yrs so I've have some experience in leading a group for PT. So I would like to help with the youth their fitness as it helped me.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Psychological-Bar-64
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    Let's practice yoga today to get our Tight Hamstrings to be stretched and progressively flexible in these 9 minutes of yoga practice for tight Hamstrings.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:12 AM PST

    You want to have functional Posture, not sitting up straight the whole day!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:15 AM PST

    What effects does static sitting in apparently good posture have on your posture? In this video, I explain in detail the effects of wearing posture correctors for extended periods of time on your posture. What happens to your muscles, your fascia, your joints? What's the function of your shoulder blades and why can posture correctors have a harmful impact on your functional movement pattern? Why is it important to develop your individual functional posture?

    submitted by /u/StefanieBethge
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    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:08 AM PST

    Iam 19m. Iam a vegan. I want to workout. So by eating vegan foods can I successfully do my workout? Will it be effective ? I eat egg rarely.. what shld I do ? I just want a good chest...

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