• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Motion to Mods: Ban excessive self promotion.

    Beginner Fitness: Motion to Mods: Ban excessive self promotion.

    Motion to Mods: Ban excessive self promotion.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:23 PM PST

    It seems ~1/3 of the posts here are just youtubers promoting themselves. It's excessive. Can we get a discussion on this.

    submitted by /u/someguy3
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    Slight shoulder pain, worried about pull up form and injury.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Got some pain in my shoulder blade area after a few weeks of very casually just using a pull up bar, just a few reps throughout the day. I'm not very overweight but I've never been able to do a real pull up, which leads me to believe that now that I'm trying I'm not doing them correctly. Should I just stop? I was thinking about crafting some dip bars together so I can work on my shoulder musclés. I don't know anything at all though.

    submitted by /u/dddouten
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    Correct Form with Strength Training

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Hey guys, so I've been consistently attending the gym for over a month now and want to ease myself into strength training. The only thing withholding me is I know how important it is to have correct form, but without anyone there to help me or correct me when doing the exercises or what not, how will I know if I'm doing it right? I don't think I can afford a PT or don't even know if it's possible to get one right now with COVID.

    I don't really know what I'm asking here I guess but... any advice?

    submitted by /u/unknownPIMO
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    Been working out for 5 weeks with little results

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Hi there! I recently joined a HIIT gym and Iv been going for about 5 weeks about 5 days a week. I usually go after work, I started at 181 and now I am up to 185.6... I haven't really changed my diet for the better or for the worse so I am not sure why I am gaining weight? Could it really be muscle, also I am feeling really tired, I did start having a mini Lara bar before my work outs because I kept getting dizzy if I didn't? Any advice ? Is this normal and I just need to wait longer to see some sort of result? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/dchamorro1
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