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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Newbie needing advice please

    Beginner Fitness: Newbie needing advice please

    Newbie needing advice please

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    I'm currently on the big weight loss journey, following a diet called Weight Watchers (Not sure how wide spread that brand is)

    I've lost just shy of two stone this year - sitting at 16st 5lb but i'm short (5'4) so still a while to go until i'm anything close to a health weight.

    I'm trying to build muscle at the same time - try and reduce some of the inevitable skin problems I'm going to have. Following a few dumbell follow alongs on youtube and the like but no strict plan really.

    Question 1) I'm taking 5g Creatine every day and 30g of Whey after an Upper Body Workout. Is this okay to do when losing weight on a diet at the same time? I'm a little unsure if to take it after other workouts as well - like cardio or whatever, or only when doing dumbells/resistance workouts.
    Question 2) Does anyone have any good suggestions for Push/Pull/Leg routines to follow over the course of a week/fortnight. Just something to help me be more structured.

    Question 3) If i'm dieting - how much protein should I be getting each day, and if i'm not going to reach that amount should I take a supplement to reach that amount so I don't burn muscle? Or at my size is burning muscle not an issue?

    submitted by /u/KarlakCHK
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    Simple 'push' workout

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I made a very simple video highlighting some "push" exercises. Push, Pull, Rotate, Squat and Single-leg are all primary daily movements we all do. Working on these regularly help with mobility, flexibility, and strength.


    submitted by /u/force_of_nature_24
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    DAE have to deal with excessive joint noise when trying to work out? I'm trying to workout more consistently, but worried about the popping and snapping I hear when I do push-ups etc and I don't know if this is okay?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:29 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    Can anyone give me some bodyweight workouts or links so that I can do at home without any equipment

    submitted by /u/daviddiazjr_
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    Color-coded workout tracker tells you which area of your body is most in need of a workout

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Hi all, came across this workout tracker - ragfitapp.com - which I've been using on my phone at the gym to take the thinking out of workout planning. I just turn up, and exercise whatever muscles are highlighted as most out-of-date - so much easier than having to plan when starting out

    submitted by /u/Kendeez
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    These 4 reasons are why you have back pain when training your abs (solutions included)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Getting low back when working your core is pretty common. Most people are training their abs in hopes of preventing or reducing their current pain but most people just end up making it worse.

    These are the top 4 reasons why you have back pain with ab workouts.

    Let me know which one you are doing now and plan to address it!

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
    [link] [comments]

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