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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Beginner Fitness: Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Get your dunce hats out, Fittit, it's time for your weekly Stupid Questions Thread.

    Post your question - stupid or otherwise - here to get an answer. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. Many questions get submitted late each week that don't get a lot of action, so if your question didn't get answered before, feel free to post it again.

    As always, be sure to read the FAQ first.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness".

    Be sure to check back often as questions get posted throughout the day. Lastly, it may be a good idea to sort comments by "new" to be sure the newer questions get some love as well. Click here to sort by new in this thread only.

    So, what's rattling around in your brain this week, Fittit?

    As per this thread, the community has asked that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Moronic Monday thread. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.

    submitted by /u/cdingo
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    Barbell bridges or barbell hip thrusts for glutes?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    I always feel more burn in my glutes with bridges despite my best efforts to activate glutes during thrusts. Is one of these bettee than the other or should they both be done for working glutes? Thank you!

    Edit: to clarify, I do my bridges elevated as well, just like I would for hip thrusts.

    submitted by /u/eadala
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    When bench pressing, what points of your body are in contact with the bench/floor?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    The upperback, ofc. But what about the tailbone/glutes, do they rest on the bench too? Or by pushing with your legs the tailbone is slightly elevated? Is the head in contact with the bench too?

    submitted by /u/mbdavid297
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    Is there any sort of thing which can turn plates into a dumbell type stuff?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    To be more clear, I have plates but I do not have dumbells, and I wanna do higher than 45lb rows, so is there anything that can like combine two plates together and also have a handle?

    submitted by /u/emerald__sea
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    How Should I Restructure My Exercise?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    (M/28/6ft 3/192lbs) Recently got a job after being out of work for over 6 months. During that time I was doing either a 5 or 10k every day.

    Have toned it down to a 5k every day as is a very physically demanding job I am doing. I was just wondering when you all think would be best time for me to do it or if it really makes much difference?

    I currently do my 5k immediately after I finish my work before my supper but was wondering if I would be better having food first and then going for it to try and burn some of it off?

    submitted by /u/HamishTheHaggis
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    How do semi-professional athletes integrate fitness?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:10 PM PDT


    to provide some context, I am a semi-professional waterpolo player and been going to the gym for 7 years. Due to new team ambitions we train more hours and more intense since last year. I've been trying to combine it with my usual training regimen but I feel that it leaves me exhausted during my waterpolo practices. This has also led to more injuries. But I also see that my body is changing, less mass.

    So my question is, how should I training? Which days should I train? Should I continue with PPL or switch to full body, or go to a 5 day split spread over 2 weeks? Should I focus more on lower reps and heavy weight or high reps and less weight? To provide some background, we train on monday, wednesday and friday, during the season we also have a game on saturday.


    submitted by /u/beast_playz
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    What is the best youtube video for hip flexors?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    My hip flexors are so tight it's limiting the movement of most of my exercises. Is there a youtube video or an exercise that you've tried that had helped you with this issue? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/dulmal6
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    Dumbbell Bench Press on Bed?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    So I have a couple of spinlock dumbbells but unfortunately no bench at home. I was wondering if just using my bed would be an okay substitute?

    The idea would be to do single-arm dumbbell presses with my arm hanging off the side of the bed so that I can still get the full range of motion. I tested it out with light weight earlier but I find it difficult to arch or anything like that.

    So, I'm mainly asking if there are any nuances or anything that I would be missing from doing them like this, or even if it would just be unsafe.

    submitted by /u/North_Penalty
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    Would wrist straps be unnecessary in my situation?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    I've recently hit the gym again after a new wave of self-discipline. I'm 23 and have been going on and off for the past 5 years for maybe a month or so at a time before losing my drive. Because of this I've never really built up any major strength or made it to any decent weight on the compound movements.

    I really want to be able to get going with my bench press but I'm struggling to make any progress past 40kg (currently 88kg bodyweight) as my chest can move the weight but my wrists can't support it. Should I consider wrist straps/supports at such a low weight, or would this be unnecessary and actually make the weakness worse?

    submitted by /u/liamal57
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