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    Thursday, July 2, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Struggling to Find an Effective At-Home Weightlifting Program

    Beginner Fitness: Struggling to Find an Effective At-Home Weightlifting Program

    Struggling to Find an Effective At-Home Weightlifting Program

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    I'll just preface this by saying, before Covid I was extremely comfortable using a full gym, including freeweights. This entire working-out-at-home dynamic has thrown me completely for a loop, and suffice it to say, I've found it difficult to maintain the muscle I had. I'm basically back to square one.

    My problem is, the program I was following (which I absolutely loved) utilizes a full gym. Many online programs you pay for utilize a full gym, or at least have a few sporadic machines are thrown in. I looked on Youtube for program ideas since a ton of fitness Youtubers are capitalizing on the pandemic keeping people at home, and I figured I'd be able to find at least a basic program I could follow along with.

    The problem is, I haven't been able to find a quality at-home program utilizing only dumbells and resistance bands for strength training. I prefer videos, and most at-home workout programs I've found on Youtube are strictly body-weight, and some do a bunch of jumping around to, I don't know, incorporate cardio/HIIT I guess? The trend I'm seeing is this: workouts geared towards people trying to lose weight or tone up at home (not people trying to build or maintain muscle at home), and with no equipment needed. They seem to assume that, if you're stuck working out at home, you want a workout with no equipment, or that you have no equipment at your disposal.

    Also, I think it's slightly important to note that I'm female, and the one program I did find was very male-centric (heavy emphasis on pecs, delts, bis, tris, lats and traps). I do tend to gain a decent bit of muscle, and I prefer to do split days (top/bottom) so my body is balanced. A high-quality, full-body, at-home weightlifting program utilizing dumbells and resistance bands is all I'm asking for.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Any videos or programs you follow? I've waded through tons of resources and Youtube channels already, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mikishti
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    stupid pushup question

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    so this is stupid i know. but whats the proper way to breathe when doing pushups? my problem with pushups is not strength but with running out of breath.

    submitted by /u/Distinctplays
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    Can’t keep the bar straight when benching.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    every time i bench, no matter the weight, the bar looks like I'm rowing a boat. What can I do to keep the bar straight.

    submitted by /u/YUngMo28
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    Am I doing this right?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    When quarantine started, I fell into a bit of a depressive state. Well, I already had been depressed, but now I was locked in my house and that sent me spiraling. I was eating more bad food than previously, and drinking, and feeling really super sluggish.

    In April, I decided no more!! And I started taking my dogs out for a walk every single day, between 3-4 miles. My eating habits, however, did not improve. I stuck with the dog walking, though. I didn't really lose any weight, which was to be expected. To be honest, I was really doing it to try and establish a daily workout routine- one that I felt obligated to do because my dogs really need the exercise!

    So a few months passed by, and while in the beginning there were a few days I missed I actually started becoming more consistent. Now, I usually walk them 6 days a week without fail.

    In the beginning of June, I decided that since I had started a consistent habit that felt natural that I would start adding in some weight lifting and cardio that raised my heart rate. I also started eating completely clean, only having one cheat meal one day a week. It's the healthiest I've ever been ever and I've been feeling great!

    Well I stepped on a scale yesterday and I've only gained weight, and I'm confused and shocked as to how since my clothes are looser and fitting better. And I don't mean a little weight...I've gained almost 13lbs from when I last weighed myself, putting me at 163lbs instead of the 150.

    I'm just confused...Since the beginning of June I have been lifting weights 3x a week (although they aren't heavy, the workout itself does raise my heart rate and I add more reps in to compensate), and I've also been doing more intense cardio 2x a week, as well as HIIT a couple of days a week (on top of the previously mentioned exercises) in addition to walking the dogs every single day (usually for around 1.5 to 2 miles). I know for certain that I'm not eating more than I think. And I'm eating a 99% whole, unprocessed, non prepackaged diet consisting of mostly veggies and all lean proteins.

    Am I doing something wrong here? Do I just stay the course? I've always been on the slimmer side, but I'm more "skinny fat" than anything. How long does it take for a slimmer person to shed the fat on their stomach? I really don't have fat anywhere else on my body, except there. I'm mostly going for a "healthy lifestyle", and not just for losing weight...but I just guess I could use some tips, or some reassurance I'm on the right track.

    submitted by /u/missqueenkawaii
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    Super fast metabolism problem

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    So, I want to start getting in shape but I can't seem to put on any weight, even when I gain muscle it seems to just disappear overnight if I miss a day.

    I've been told that I need to eat more but I have no idea what or when I need to eat, also no idea what kind of workout I need to do.

    I'm not trying to be a body builder or anything, I'd just like to not look like a baby giraffe and also have a little more energy.

    Any suggestions on diets/exercise for tall, skinny and broad shouldered folks like myself?

    Also I'm 6'1" and 175lbs, I'm mostly made of legs but I've got some upper body to work with.

    submitted by /u/agMORALZ
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    [Body weight exercises] Is there harm in doing strength exercising and not cardio?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    This came out so long that I'm bolding the important bits. I'm a "I'm in a hurry so I wrote a lot" type.

    I'm 37/M and sedentary but not fat (BMI 25); I don't want to lose weight, but to age better in the long run. I'm watching my parents (who are in okay shape, maybe from having walked a lot for work and not just sat down like me) age and complain that in old age your body weighs more and there's general physical decay.

    So I set out to do some bodyweight strength training while we're secluded at home, and it's going great. I'm a little stronger than I expected, and I'm taking it very slowly. It's interesting to feel the exertion of your muscles, almost in a spiritual sense (being in your body when usually you live in your head). BTW I'm taking care here not to hurt myself.

    Here's the thing though: my heart rate appears to be very high after 10-20 minutes of this kind of workout, and it takes me a while to get back to normal. More generally I'm okay with jogging at a sedentary's pace but a sudden run makes me lose my fucking shit. I'm not in good "aerobic shape"; I was surprised I was this strong in my arms and legs actually.

    Thing is -- cardio is so boring it's almost humiliating. I never wanted "to do exercise" all this time because I just can't take the idea of jogging or doing a stationary bike or dancing along some YouTube video; when I try it, I just feel like I should be doing something else.

    Can I just do the strength training (only my body weight, with care, following and improving proper form, increasing effort gradually) and skip cardio altogether? Is it dangerous? How does it bode for an improved ability to age better and not suffer too much through physical decay?

    submitted by /u/Flusserama
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    Full-body focus split

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    I'm have been doing a three day full-body split where I train every muscle group equally every day for a while now and I want to switch things up a bit. I only have time to train three times a week so I was thinking about a full-body where you switch the focus a bit more on certain muscles every day. So day one is push-focused, day two pull-focused and day three leg-focused.

    Does anyone have experience with this? How does it work for you?

    submitted by /u/Robbie6169
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