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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Beginner Fitness: Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    Get your dunce hats out, Fittit, it's time for your weekly Stupid Questions Thread.

    Post your question - stupid or otherwise - here to get an answer. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer. Many questions get submitted late each week that don't get a lot of action, so if your question didn't get answered before, feel free to post it again.

    As always, be sure to read the FAQ first.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness".

    Be sure to check back often as questions get posted throughout the day. Lastly, it may be a good idea to sort comments by "new" to be sure the newer questions get some love as well. Click here to sort by new in this thread only.

    So, what's rattling around in your brain this week, Fittit?

    As per this thread, the community has asked that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Moronic Monday thread. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.

    submitted by /u/cdingo
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    I completed the full 13 week Smolov program for deadlifts and 450+ miles of running, ending with a final 1 rep max of 613 at 203lb

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT


    Shaky 572 deadlift before

    Fast 613 deadlift after.

    And a near miss at 633 along with a bunch of rep PR's and hundreds of miles of running.

    Stats: 6'3 203 lb

    Starting weight: ~200-205

    Lowest weight: 197

    Highest weight: 206

    Current weight: 203


    I started lifting around 11-12 years old. I am in my mid-thirties now. There were some extended breaks from training over the years, but I always maintained an active physical lifestyle playing sports, working construction, etc.

    Over these years I have ran MANY different programs, including, but not limited to: Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, Texas Method, PHAT, PHUL, PPL, Greyskull LP, Multiple variations of 531 and Sheiko, Greg Nuckols programs, the Bulgarian method, and many others, including my own variations or personal concoctions.

    Somewhere along the line I modified 531 into a variation that became stupidly popular.

    2017 Injury to March 2020

    In 2017 I herniated a couple discs in my lower back, this put an end to low bar squatting and deadlifting for quite a long time for me. I took some time off of training, then switched to front squats, and messed around with cleans and rows for quite a while.

    My first deadlift set post-injury was July 7, 2019, I worked up to a top set of 325x5 before calling it a day.

    By September 2019 it was 445x6, in November I started taking my running more seriously, I also hit deadlift rep PR of 405x17 around this time.

    In December I ran my first half marathon and deadlifted 425x17

    By March 2020 my best set for reps was 450x15 and my best single was 572


    In March, with the onset of coronavirus, and gyms shutting down, I knew I was going to have to make some changes to my routine. I have a home gym, but I live out of town so I do the majority of my weekday training at a local gym in the city.

    This meant more commute and less gym time for weekday training sessions.

    Knowing this, I came up with the hairbrained idea to dive headfirst into the shallow end of the pool with the full 13 week Smolov program, for deadlifts, and to pair it with a bunch of running.

    *Here is a copy of the spreadsheet I made for Smarathlov *

    For inputs I had a 670 estimated max from my highest calculated set, and used an 87.5% training max, to bring it down to 585 (I had never actually pulled 585 sumo). I also used a base of 40 miles per week for my running.

    As a side note, my metal plates are not officially calibrated, and range from 43.4 to 48.1 pounds each, I have weighed and marked them, also the clips are a bit under a pound each, so you may notice that sometimes the weights listed seem strange (for example the 468x16 or 592x1)

    The introduction period: March 15 – April 4

    • Week 1 Day 1&2: I didn't decide to film every day until day 3, so I don't have anything here

    • Week 1 Day 3: 4x5 @ 405, 1x3 @ 435, 2x2 @ 465, 1 @ 525 - video

    • Week 2 Day 1: 2x2 @ 495 programmed, I rounded up to 500 - video

    • Week 2 Day 2 & 3: 495x3 was programmed for day 2, and 495x5 for day 3… for some reason I did 500x6 and 500x5 on the same day, I don't remember my reasoning here, but it went well video

    So that wrapped up the introduction cycle, nothing too crazy or interesting. No real comments on this period either, it was really easy.

    I ran 117.68 miles during this period


    The Base Cycle: April 5 – May 5

    The base cycle follows the same pattern each week for 3 weeks

    • Day 1: 4x9 @ 70%

    • Day 2: 5x7 @ 75%

    • Day 3: 7x5 @ 80%

    • Day 4: 10x3 @ 85%

    After the first week you add 20lb to each set. After the second week you add another 10lb to each set.

    Here are the videos.

    • Week 3 Day 1: 4x9 @ 405

    • Week 3 Day 2: 5x7 @ 435

    • Week 3 Day 3: 7x5 @ 465

    • Week 3 Day 4: 10x3 @ 500

    • Week 4 Day 1: 4x9 @ 425

    • Week 4 Day 2: 5x7 @ 455

    • Week 4 Day 3: 7x5 @ 485 This day I was feeling good, I did the first 5 sets of 5 as programmed, and then instead of doing two additional sets of 5, I hammered out a single AMRAP set of 12 reps at 489 for a new all time rep PR which calculated out to a ~684 estimated max

    • Week 4 Day 4: 10x3 @ 520 Just like the previous day, I was feeling really good here. I did 7x3 at 520, and then instead of doing the last 3 sets of 3, I did a single set of 10 for a new all time rep PR which calculated out to a ~693 estimated max

    • Week 5 Day 1: 4x9 @ 440

    • Week 5 Day 2: 5x7 @ 468 This day I set my highest rep PR of the entire program, with 468x16 after 3x7 at 468, an estimated max of 717

    • Week 5 Day 3: 7x5 @ 500 I did 5x5 at 500, and then 1x10 here

    • Week 5 Day 4: 10x3 @ 532 I did 7x3 and 1x9 at 532 here

    The last week of the base cycle was probably the hardest part of the program mentally. Grinding through 7-10 sets of 85-90+% really sucked.

    I ran 164.32 miles during this period


    DELOAD – first 6 plate pull – May 6-10

    • Week 6 is a deload. At the end of which you work up to your TM for a single. This is the first time I sumo deadlifted 6 plates, with 592x1 video

    It wasn't the smoothest rep, there was a lot of leg shaking, but it moved quickly.

    I ran 20.46 miles this week

    Switching Phase – May 11 through May 21

    The switching phase was by far the most fun part of the program. In the original smolov program, which is written for squats, they use variations such as Pin squats, box squats, etc. Since I was programming for deadlifts I had to choose my own variations.

    I split the three days into:

    • Max Effort Partial Rom (Block Pulls)

    • Dynamic Effort Speed work (deads against bands)

    • Technique work (1 and ½'s)

    Here I hit some really fun sets

    • Week 7 day 1: 746 lb sumo duffalo block pull video

    • Week 7 day 2: 8x3 at 365 + bands video

    • Week 7 day 3: 12x2 at 365 (1&1/2's) video

    • Week 8 day 1: 733 lb ACTUAL block pull video

    • Week 8 day 2: 8x3 at 405 + bands video

    • Week 8 day 3: 24 reps at 405 (1&1/2's) video – also my gym opened back up on this day.

    I ran 36.24 miles during this period


    Intensification phase – May 23 – June 17

    At this point I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. There were still 5 weeks left, but the base cycle was over, and now it was time to drop volume and pull some heavy reps.

    • Week 9 day 1: 3 at 380, 3 at 435, 3x4 and 1x5 at 495 video

    • Week 9 day 2: 3 at 365, 3 at 405, 4 at 465, 3 at 525, 2x5 at 500 video

    My first audience lol

    • Week 9 day 3: 4 at 385, 4 at 405, 5x4 at 465 video

    • Week 10 day 1: 4 at 365, 4 at 405, 4 at 465, 3 at 532, 2x4 at 532 video

    Also a fun speed comparison of 532 lb in week 10 vs 532 lb in week 5 video

    • Week 10 day 2: 3 at 365, 3 at 435, 3 at 500, 3x3 at 530, 1x3 at 555 video

    • Week 10 day 3: 3 at 385, 3 at 435, 4 at 495, 4x5 at 530 video

    • Week 11 day 1 3 at 365, 3 at 405, 3 at 465, 5x5 at 525 video

    This day was TOUGH! 5x5 is more brutal than it sounds, especially when it is at 90% of your TM

    • Week 11 day 2: 3 at 365, 3 at 405, 3 at 465, 2x3 at 555…except I did 1x6 at 565 instead! video

    • Week 11 day 3: 3 at 385, 3 at 435, 3 at 495, 4x3 at 565 video

    • Week 12 day 1: 3 at 405, 4 at 465, 5x5@530 video

    I also pulled 530x1 with a strapless double overhand grip (no hook) for an extra rep on this day video

    • Week 12 day 2: This was a big day. I went off program and pulled my first 600+ sumo deadlift… for 3 reps. video

    3 at 405, 3 at 465, 4x3 at 555 was programmed, but instead I did 560x3, 571x3, 592x3, 602x3!

    • Week 12 day 3: I stuck to the program. 3 at 435, 3 at 525, 3x4 at 565 video

    I also crushed my toes on my right foot on the first rep of the last set here…. Whoops.

    I ran 112.81 miles during this period


    Deload – June 18-21

    The work was over. I took the 18th off from lifting and then started week 13 a bit early

    • Week 13 day 1 was a relatively easy day: 4 at 435, 4x4 at 495

    I then took the 20th off, week 13 day 2 was supposed to come after multiple rest days, but due to life scheduling issues I moved it up to the 21st, only 1 day of rest after W13D1

    • Week 13 Day 2: MAX!

    I warmed up as normal, 135, 225, 315, 405, etc.. after 495 I made a smaller jump to 560 which moved super fast.

    Then I pulled a new 1rm of 613 video

    I was originally planning on hitting this for reps but it moved so fast I decided to go heavier

    I jumped up to 633... And failed video I think I tried to lock my legs a bit too early

    And that wrapped up the entire program.


    I averaged 3857 calories per day over 13 weeks.

    I try to get at least ~175g of protein, but it can range from 150-300

    Carbs are often as high as 500-600+



    • 14 weeks

    • Over 1,000 deadlift reps

    • Over 450,000 lb of total volume

    • Heaviest weight touched 746 duffalo block pull video

    • Heaviest actual deadlift 613 video

    • Best set 468x16 video

    • I also squatted 1x per week and benched ~2x most weeks, just maintaining for the most part


    • 459 miles run

    • Average run distance 5.07 miles

    • Longest Run 20.08 miles

    • Mileage breakdown: 63.93% treadmill, 22.59% road, 13.48% track


    Whenever I see Smolov discussed online, its usually paired with people talking about how terrible it is, I is too much volume, it will injure you, etc.

    Well, I completely disagree.

    This was a lot of fun, it forced me to work hard on my pulls on a regular basis. My form is more dialed in than ever, and I am confident in my ability to hit 6+ plates for reps basically any day of the week. I am pumped about the big increases I saw in my 1 rep maxes, and my estimated maxes. I made it through without any injuries or issues just fine.

    In my opinion the only part of the program that is really tough to get through are the 7x5 and 10x3 days of the base cycle. Everything else is pretty manageable.

    Happy to discuss any questions/comments you all might have.

    submitted by /u/SumoDadlifts
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    Anybody ever suffer a full Achilles tendon rupture? Looking for advice

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    I had a complete tear and surgery to repair 2 weeks ago now. With the lockdown I had been out of the gym for months and was hoping to be back lifting weights soon. That's been delayed a bit more now.

    I'm mostly wondering 2 things, how long was it before you were walking again? No lower body exercise, just purely walking unassisted. I know this can vary person to person, but just curious.

    The second is, I know my body will need fuel to heal so I need to keep my protein intake high and calories at maintenence at least. But could I potentially cut calories while making sure my protein intake is high to preserve muscle and help with healing but also cut back some fat? I'm a lot fatter than I usually am this time of year. I'd say 20%+ versus, closer to 10% and catching myself in the mirror makes me feel awful. Dont get me wrong, I've been this level of bf% and would have no issues normally, but it's my inability to actually do anything about it that's killing me

    submitted by /u/MisterMonacle
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    What to do

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Hello reddit, when quarantine started I gave myself the goal of getting visible abs by july 1st. This is an 8 week duration and currently under 2 weeks out. I can only see 2 abs, so once July 1st comes around, should I continue to be in a slight deficit or start eating at maintenance. I don't mind being in a slight deficit for long periods of time but I do feel Im leaving some gains on the table. Like I said, my number one goal is visible abs over muscle gain. Please let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Vicktot12
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    Ideas for storing weight bench outside?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    BF loves to lift weights but we live a long way from the gym and have literally nowhere indoors to store his equipment. I got him a bench on a local sales page pretty cheap, it's in ok condition but will need to be replaced pretty soon I think.

    The problem is the bench is outside while I wait for the opportunity to clear the wall to wall crap filling the garage (previous owner's) and even though I've told him a million times he needs to cover it he puts a rubbishy tarp on less than half the time. It rains a lot here.

    I was thinking if I got him a motorcycle style cover that might work better and wondered if anyone used something similar they could suggest or recommend?

    submitted by /u/QueenNephrops
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    Calf raises - should your ankles be perfectly straight?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    As any other guy, my calves are embarrassingly lagging behind most of my other muscular growth, so I'm starting to focus on them even more.

    Yesterday as I was finishing my (standing) calf raises, I realised something - at the very top of the movement where I squeeze the gastrocnemius, my ankles actually fall laterally slightly. This sort of results in my toes being pointed more inwards than the rest of my foot.

    Is this a problem or completely normal?

    submitted by /u/Violentdelight13
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    Squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts on the same day ?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a program at the minute that won't have me spending hours in the gym. Is there a program that involves squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts twice a week and then upper body 3 times a week. However, I'm just worried that doing rows and pulls ups on upper body day will impact my deadlift which i will be doing the day after. Thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/MFDILLA_
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    My brother set me up a long-term diet and I would like second-opinions to see if it makes sense

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    I'm currently age 31, 6 foot 0, 288 pounds. I want to get down to 200-210. I've been taking advice from my brother who after college went from 250 pounds down to 200 and is in good shape. He also is a former competitive cross-country runner. I want to lose the weight, but also become muscular then he is, as he is rather lean.

    So, 11 days ago he set me up with a 3000 calorie/day diet and I've been walking 2 miles every day and lifting weights every other day. 3000 calories a day seemed very high to me (and my mom and sister thought that was way too high, as well) even though I had probably been eating 5-6k calories daily to get to 288lb. However, last night he explained his thought process to me and we made a new diet. He had me calculate my Basal Metabolic Rate which according to multiple sites averaged appx. 2500 calories, and told me that I would not want to go under that, because my body would start eating the easiest source of energy; muscle. I had previously used a generic calorie calculator and it told me I should be eating 2,180 calories per day to lose 1lb a week, and he told me that was way too low.

    I still felt like 3,000 calories was too much and I want to lose 1-2 pounds per week, so we settled on 2,700 calories a day. So 2,700 calories a day, 2 miles walks per day (planning on upping it to 3 miles in the next month, and then running it eventually when I won't kill my knees from overweight) and lifting weights (about 8 different exercises of 8 reps each, which I will increase, as well, as it gets too easy)

    Does this seem like a good diet for me to lose 1-2 pounds per week and hopefully be down to 200-210 in 1-2 years? I'd appreciate some advice. He stressed to me and I think it's good logic, that I should not treat this as a diet, which is temporary, but a life style change, and changing my way of eating, permanently. Thank you for any advice you can give

    submitted by /u/gamerdude880
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    Why won't my TVA stay tight?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    My belly is always sticking out. I'm not fat..maybe 13% (Male, 42, 74kg). I have a relatively visible 4-pack, I can deadlift and squat a lot, and I can hold a proper plank for a minute, as well as isolated (from my diaphragm) tummy vacuums. I sit a lot, but I have fairly good posture, altho I do spend hours in a non-optimal position.

    But my belly is always loose. I can choose to hold it tight so it looks normal (without straining hard) for a long period of time, but it doesn't seem right that I should have to consciously contract all day long.

    It changes a *little* bit if I'm bloated, but even when I first wake up or have fasted for 20h it's still loose.


    submitted by /u/azdjedi
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    Upper/Lower + PPL?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    So I've been training for around 8 months now, lifting weights in the gym. Before that I was doing calisthenics so I'm accustomed to training. I started since my weightlifting journey doing a PPL split, taking Sunday as an off day. Saw pretty good results, but I wanted to try something different. I started using a Bro-Split and didn't like it, not much progress and I did not enjoy only working one muscle group once a week. I want to try a new split, the upper lower, but I'm a bit confused. What is better? Because there are tons of different ways to perform the split.

    • Option 1: Upper/Lower (Rest) Push/Pull/Legs
    • Option 2: PPL repeat PPL (Sunday Off) (PPL stand-alone)
    • Option 3: Upper/Lower (Strength)- (Rest) Upper/Lower (Hypertrophy)- (Rest)

    What are your thoughts or experiences with this?

    submitted by /u/daale679
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    Quarentine Workouts?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    I'm sorry if this information is clearly available on the wiki somewhere that I missed, but I have gone from working out every other day with a full set of weights and a barbell to not working out since I don't have access to the equipment. Is there a good routine that I could complete with just a set of 10lb weights? Preferably to build muscle mass, since I'm a very lanky guy. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Quilna
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    Should I tilt my head forward during a passive hang?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I've been doing passive hangs for a while to decompress my spine and stretch during and after workouts. I go deeper into the stretch as I breathe out, and it feels better when I let my chin bend forward and down towards my chest. I've seen examples of both this and people that keep their head straight and aligned with their spine. Is one better or worse? Will I damage the neck or mess up my posture if I keep doing them like these? It feels like the straight version is worse for my neck during a passive hang. I keep it straight during active hangs, pull-ups, etc.

    Here's more or less how I do it (with my head bent down): http://cassfitness.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/MATThangingfrompullupbar.jpg and here's one with the head straight: https://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads/2020/05/passive.jpg

    submitted by /u/brookthunder
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