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    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - April 29, 2020

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Rant Wednesday

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to Rant Wednesday: It's your time to let your gym/fitness/nutrition related frustrations out!

    There is no guiding question to help stir up some rage-feels, feel free to fire at will, ranting about anything and everything that's been pissing you off or getting on your nerves!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Can you get a proper muscular body by simple swimming?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I am a 16 years old male and want to get sort of a muscular body (not ripped or bulky, just so that you are active and have some muscles). I am not a good swimmer, I can do 50m crawl swimming but that's my absolute limit (I think the technique isn't really good either). So can you get a good body from simple breaststroke? How many times a week should I „train"? And what is the limit, where you cant build up anymore muscle?

    submitted by /u/niuprofile
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    Bosu ball

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been training weekly for some months now, and I am wondering wether or not buying a Bosu ball is worth it. Mainly For core/ oblique exercises such as crunches and Russian twists or is doing the exercises on the mat more effective? My main goal is to get a 6 pack and make my abs show. Thank you in advance for any help:)

    submitted by /u/Dannyboy2504
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    Am I wasting my time doing arm workouts without weights?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Not referring to proven and extensively discussed bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups and tricep dips, but rather pilates-inspired workouts where you do movements holding your arms up and not letting them drop. See link for an example.


    When performing these, although I definitely feel a burn, can't help but wonder if they are "too good to be true" and I am wasting time that could be used doing push ups and the like.

    submitted by /u/Chips_and_Fish
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    Is it bad to overextend your lower back during rows?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    During dumbbell rows I can feel better mind muscle connection in my lats if I just extend my back a little bit more than neutral. Am I ruining my spine by doing this?

    submitted by /u/Atheist_Utopia
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    Exercising while using sedentary calorie numbers

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I am currently on my second go around of losing weight in my lifetime (down 16lbs in 2 weeks from calorie counting) and I have a very important question that I have been unable to find the answer to. I am going to begin full body strength training 3 days a week soon, which burns calories, obviously. However, I am fearful of using the calorie number given by bmi calculators if I am exercising regurally. I reached my breaking point of 290lbs recently and am deadset on getting to a healthy weight. This makes me want to base my daily calorie intake to what I would need to lose weight if I did not exercise at all. The problem with that is that it leaves me worried that I won't get enough calories and the exercise will negatively affect me, cause me to pass out, etc. (TLDR:) Is it safe to exercise while eating at a caloric deficit if the number used is based off of a no activity daily estimate? If it helps I am a 6'0 274lb male.

    submitted by /u/LoganStar4
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    Seated vs Standing OHP

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I was a huge fan of 5x5s for my lifting before I had kids :) As they're getting older I've been able to get back to lifting with a cage and bar in the garage.

    My problem is that my garage isn't high enough for me to do standing OHP, so I'm doing seated. Right now I do them seated without the back of my bench up (think incline) to try to build some core stability. Is this acceptable or is there a different way I should approach my OHP?

    Edit: Thanks for all the replies, I'm gonna go with kneeling in the rack and if I don't dig it, the camber bar attachments look awesome.

    submitted by /u/TXMorgan
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    Experience gaining with a majority liquid diet?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Not sure if this is the right sub but here's the deal. I'm 22, 172cm, 48kg and have always had trouble maintaining a consistent diet / appetite so gaining weight has been super difficult. I've never really 'enjoyed' food and eating on a regular basis is more of a chore for me. I was also diagnosed with ADHD and since starting medication my life has improved drastically, but my appetite has gotten worse on most days thus hindering my weight gain even more.

    Getting to a healthy weight and gaining a bunch of muscle has always been a major goal for me but it's been difficult to stick with exercise regimes when I'm not seeing any results, because I'm not able to eat enough food to get my calorie intake up.

    I've been doing some thinking and wondering if anyone has any experience / tips with majority liquid diets? They seem like a more efficient way to get food and nutrients into you and I still plan to eat at least one proper meal + snacks a day to compensate for whatever I'm missing in the liquid component. I've been doing some research but most of the resources out there seem to be for weight loss, not weight gain so any tips you guys have would be much appreciated !


    submitted by /u/Scented_Ankle
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    Does it get harder to maintain a lean physique as you get older?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    I'm currently 24, wondering if it gets harder to maintain my physique as I age. Any tips from older fit guys? Do you have to tighten your diet as you get older or rely on testosterone to maintain muscle?

    submitted by /u/bert_cj
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    Can barbell hack squats replace squats in a program?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    I want to start doing my workouts at home, and am wondering if I can get around purchasing a squat rack and instead replace squats with barbell hack squats without resulting in some kind of muscle imbalance. I am a relatively inexperienced lifter For reference, the equipment/exercises my program would consist of are:

    1. Deadlift (barbell, plates, platform)
    2. Hack Squat (barbell, plates, platform)
    3. Pullups (pullup bar)
    4. Dips (dip bar)
    5. Core Exercises (mostly bodyweight, sometimes plates)

    Is there any obvious muscle deficiencies/imbalances that this program would generate that would render it non-viable? Or, also importantly, would my gains be close enough to optimal to justify the cost-save of no rack?

    submitted by /u/boring_pencil
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    Does walking 5 km (3.1 miles) about 3-4 times a week with a couple quick 10 minute work outs do anything?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I'm Female 135 pounds and 5'3. Also I'm really new to the world of fitness and burning calories etc

    I want to lose at least 5 pounds. My main issue is eating. I just love carbs lol I've been trying my best to cut some out. Today I ate eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and toast and coffee for brunch and that's all I plan to eat for the day because I intend to drink tea later (and maybe a handful of chips)

    But to keep active I go on about an hour walk almost every day and then sometimes I'll randomly spring into 10 minute exercises of crunches, squats, jumping jacks, knee kick things etc.

    Is my exercise even doing anything? I have a problem that I'm trying to fix where I'll think "I did a great walk and work out today - I think I can balance it with some candy/chips/hot chocolate/whatever I'm feeling that night (not all at the same time)

    Advice would be greeeeeeeat.

    submitted by /u/Skys3nberg
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    How much cardio is acceptable while I'm on a lean bulk?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Here are my stats:

    16M (17 in July)/6'2 (roughly 188cm)/168lbs (roughly 76-77 kgs)

    I decided to go on a lean bulk for a while to try to claw myself out of my skinny-fatness. I love cardio and would love to keep doing it. Currently I am doing cardio 5 days a week, with 2 being for IT and 3 for LISS. No weights right now as I dont have access to any but I will come Monday and will start up my PPL again where I plan to go 5 days per week.

    I don't really care if it is HIIT, normal IT, or LISS. But I would like to continue doing cardio in addition to the resistance training. So how much is acceptable and will not have a negative effect upon my resistance training?

    submitted by /u/TehMattChew
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    Question regarding plyometrics

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    How do I add the Vertical Jump Bible routine to my workout?

    I'm 6'0, 175 lbs, 15 years old and my standing vertical jump is around 24 inches. I play basketball and barely being able to jump is a huge disadvantage, and I want to be able to dunk.

    I read the whole vertical jump Bible and am planning on incorporating the intermediate workout for people who are already strong (forget what it's called).

    My 1RM lifts are as follows:

    Bench press: 205 lbs Squat: 285 lbs Hex bar deadlift: 355 lbs Power clean: 195 lbs

    I pulled my groin in November and am only now recovering (tried to return early multiple times and injured it again), so my lower body lift numbers are all from November. I'm only just now getting back into squatting, cleaning, and deadlifting so my current numbers are lower than that, but I plan on getting them back up ASAP.

    I play football as well, and am following a 4 day plan that my football coach has us do. It's based off Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 I believe. Monday's and Thursday's I bench press and clean (hang cleans on Monday, power cleans on Thursday) and squat on tuesdays along with deadlifting on fridays. Wednesday's and weekends are rest days.

    I plan on adding the VJB intermediate routine which is 2 days a week and includes various plyometrics and some more squats, jump squats, and other leg exercises.

    My question is how do I add this to my routine without screwing up my recovery? I don't want to overtrain, and from what I understood from the book, you need at least 2 days in between plyometric excel uses for your central nervous system to recover. I thought about doing it on my off days, eg Wednesday and Sunday, but that would put it the day after my big leg days. Should I put it on my upper body days? Would that affect my leg workouts the next day?

    I'm also very out of shape and need to incorporate some cardio in my routine. I'm trying to decide whether to do steady state cardio, HIIT, or both, and on what days I should do it.

    If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ComfortablyYoung
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    Build aerobic base before anaerobic?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    I just began running again after about 1.5 months off of almost total exercise. Now when I run no matter how fast or slow I go I'm running in the 165-185 heart rate range. I've always heard you have to build up your aerobic cardio first and should aim to do exercise at 130-150 heart rate. I play varsity sports and really need to get back into good shape by August. Should I go back to slower runs and really maintain 130-150 heart rate or is it okay to push through now and just assume my heart rate will stabilize at a lower value once I'm back in shape again. I'm 21 female if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/somethingorother2828
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    Is a belt/back support necessary for back safety?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Recently, I got into a debate with my friend if it was necessary to wear a belt to protect your belt. He argued that you should always wear a belt/back support as a precaution even at extremely light weights whereas I argued that you should only wear a belt/back support if you wanted to or if you have back problems. I personally opt to never wear a belt since I have never experienced any back pain nor do I want to wear a belt (yet at least).

    What do you guys things about having to wear a belt or back support?

    submitted by /u/gbdude917
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    Help. How many Km/hours of Cycling Per Day Do I need For Healthy Heart?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I feel like I'm risking my heart a lot by living a very sedentary lifestyle just on my bed all day. If I don't consistently exercise everyday, death could seriously be the outcome for me. I'm very scared. The positive thing is I love cycling. I can cycle for 3-5 hours per day or 10km per day, but I use an electric bike so I'm worried this isn't good enough. Should I use a heart tracker of some kind? Help, I still want to continue living.

    submitted by /u/csprogpy
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    Step bench for walking?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I'm trying to be at least kind of productive while watching netflix nowadays. I've bought a pretty standard step bench. Im basically just walking on to it, and off all the time.

    My questions are:

    1. Is there a difference between the calorie expenditure between what i've doing, and just regular walking?
    2. Any excercises on a step bench you would recommend? Both cardio and strength?
    submitted by /u/NicolasPhage
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    Is it worth doing the same amount of reps for the same exercise for 5-6 days a week if you’re going to increase the amount every week?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Say one were to do 10 push ups, 20 squats, and 5 pull ups everyday for a week, then they increased the amount slightly each week (with 1-2 rest days per week), would it result in over training as the weeks go by? Is it a waste of time?

    submitted by /u/sheen1508
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