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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 18, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 18, 2020

    Daily Simple Questions Thread - March 18, 2020

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to the /r/Fitness Daily Simple Questions Thread - Our daily thread to ask about all things fitness. Post your questions here related to your diet and nutrition or your training routine and exercises. Anyone can post a question and the community as a whole is invited and encouraged to provide an answer.

    As always, be sure to read the wiki first. Like, all of it.

    Also, there's a handy-dandy search bar to your right, and if you didn't know, you can also use Google to search fittit by using the limiter "site:reddit.com/r/fitness" after your search topic.

    Other good resources to search are Exrx.net for exercise-related topics and Examine.com for nutrition and supplement science.

    Be aware that the more relevant information you add, the more relevant the answers you receive will be. And if you are posting about your routine, please make sure you follow the guidelines.

    (Please note: This is not a place for general small talk or chit-chat. Also, the community decided long ago that we keep jokes, trolling, and memes outside of the Daily Q&A threads. Please use the downvote / report button when necessary.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My 1 year transformation (calisthenics + Reddit PPL + nSuns)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:52 AM PDT


    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 20
    • Height: 6'2''
    • Weight Progression: 187 lbs -> 170 lbs (cut) -> 205 lbs (bulk) -> 193 lbs (current cut)




    Hey all, like many others I've lurked on this sub for a while and found these progress posts very motivating, so here I finally am with mine. Up until 2019 I had never trained properly or learned about nutrition - I had goofed around in the gym a little bit but without any notable progress.

    I started in January 2019, weighing 187 lbs, by doing calisthenics / bodyweight training along with keto and 16/8 intermittent fasting (as well as logging calories). I gained a bit of strength and achieved some calisthenics skills, but I ended up completely neglecting lower body strength during this time, which has still been a weak-point since. In terms of physique, I really just wanted to see a six-pack on myself for the first time -- I achieved this, weighing 170 lbs at the end, but retrospectively ended up looking very skinny.

    Then in May 2019 I started my bulk and finally started lifting properly. I ran the Reddit PPL, which I've seen great results on. During the summer, for a month or so, I was also biking 10 miles home from work every day.

    I continued my bulk through the end of 2019 and ate big the whole time (that hasn't ever been an issue for me). I switched my routine to nSuns LP 5-day in October 2019 because I was bored and stalling on the PPL. At the end of the year I was weighing 205+ lbs and feeling a bit too fluffy.

    Finally, I started my current cut in January 2020 and have gotten down to 193 lbs so far, with a general goal of getting to 180 lbs by May (not sure if that's still happening). This time I've simply been counting calories and loosely intermittent fasting (just skipping breakfast), with a little more of an IIFYM approach. I was still running nSuns and enjoying it, but my progress slowed down (starting with OHP) during the cut and recently I had been having some trouble recovering (definitely wasn't sleeping well enough either).

    Currently it looks like I'll be taking a break from lifting because I, like many of you, no longer have access to a gym (due to coronavirus) -- so I'll try to maintain by doing some calisthenics in the meantime. Who knows, maybe I'll even get some conditioning in by starting to jog regularly for the first time!


    Calisthenics Upper-Lower Split (January-May 2019):

    Upper (Monday/Wednesday/Friday):

    • Skill progressions: L-sit, back lever.
    • Pushup variation 3x6-12, pick one of: (Decline pushups, wide/diamond grip pushups, archer pushups, clapping pushups, or one-arm pushups).
    • Pullup variation 3x6-12: (Wide/close grip pullup/chinup, weighted pullup, L-sit pullup, commando pullup, head bangers, one-arm pullup progression, or muscle-up progression).
    • Dip 3x8-15: (One-arm bench dip, explosive bench dip, or front dip)
    • Horizontal pulling 3x6-10: (Tuck front lever row)
    • Vertical pushing 3x6-10: (Pike pushups)
    • Abs: Using Athlean-X six-pack app

    Lower (Tuesday/Thursday):

    • Skill progression: Handstand.
    • Leg exercise 4x5-12: (Archer squats, pistol squat progression, lunge).
    • Explosive leg exercise 3x8-15: (Squat jump, jumping lunge).
    • Calf exercise 5x15-25: (One-leg calf raise)
    • Abs: Using Athlean-X six-pack app

    Looking back this wasn't the greatest routine, it was just something I got off Youtube but at least it got me started. During this period of my training I will admit I often skipped the leg days.

    Reddit PPL (May-October 2019):

    At this point I ran Metallicdpa's PPL, which many of you are familiar with. Now that I actually started using weights, here were my stats (5 RM weights, in lbs):

    Bench Press: 135 -> 200

    Deadlift: 135 -> 315

    Squat: 115 -> 155

    OHP: 75 -> 120

    Row: 115 -> 195

    At this point I know what you're thinking about, that squat. I want to clarify that I was no longer skipping leg days at this point, but for some reason I kept stalling and failing on my squats (later came to realize I've had horrid form).

    nSuns LP 5-day (October 2019-March 2020):

    Finally I switched to nSuns, which has been my absolute favorite. I love the volume and heavy sets, although it has definitely been harder to keep up on the cut than during the bulk. Here are the stats (1 RM weights, in lbs):

    Bench Press: 235 -> 260

    Deadlift: 365 -> 395

    Squat: 205 -> 225

    OHP: 145 -> 165

    I am happy with the progress I've made on bench, deadlift and OHP but obviously not with the squat. Throughout my training I've been discovering mistakes I'm making in my squat form, but it still doesn't feel dialed in yet -- at this point I might just go ahead and get help from a trainer, because this is seriously impeding my progress and frankly kind of embarrassing.

    As for my nSuns accessory exercises, I've made some changes over time but most recently I was doing these:

    Day 1:

    • 3x8-12 pullups
    • 3x8-12 incline dumbbell bench press
    • 3x8-12 iso-lateral row machine
    • 3x8-12 incline dumbbell curl SS 3x8-12 reverse dumbell curl
    • 3x8-12 cable tricep extension
    • Ab wheel

    Day 2:

    • 3x8-12 leg press
    • 3x8-12 leg curl
    • 3x8-12 seated calf raises

    Day 3:

    • 3x8-12 hammer curl SS 3x8-12 dumbell shrugs
    • 3x8-12 cable crossover
    • 3x8-12 face pulls
    • 3x8-12 dumbell lateral raise
    • Ab wheel

    Day 4:

    • 3x8-12 iso-lateral row machine
    • 3x8-12 seated calf raises

    Day 5:

    • 3x5 EZ-bar preacher curls SS 3x12 dumbbell shrugs
    • 3x8-12 incline dumbbell curls
    • 3x8-12 cable overhead tricep extension
    • 3x20 face pulls
    • 3x8-12 cable lateral raise


    During the first cut phase, I was doing keto which I found to be effective for quickly losing weight, but it felt overly restrictive and I don't think I could train while doing keto anymore. I was also doing 16/8 intermittent fasting which made it easier to eat less. Finally, I was also counting calories and macros with Lose It! My protein goal was to get about 1 g/lbs, while cutting at a rate of about 2 lbs / week (don't remember the calorie count).

    When I started the bulk I was initially still counting calories but soon stopped and just focused on eating big and frankly indulging myself. During this period I wasn't weighing myself either, it was all free rein, but because of all this my bulk may have gotten a little dirty.

    Now in my current cutting phase I'm counting calories again and aiming for about 2100 calories, for a weight loss rate of about 1.5 lbs / week. This time around I haven't really been tracking macros or protein, for better or worse, but haven't had any issues yet. The reason for this is because during my first cut phase I was cooking for myself which made it easier to track, whereas I've been eating dining hall food since then.


    I've been supplementing with protein (whey and/or casein) throughout this period, although not as consistently in the past few months. I started supplementing creatine at the beginning of the summer although I honestly can't tell if it makes a difference. Since the start of my cut this Spring I've been drinking Amino Energy (contains EAAs and caffeine) before my fasted workouts. And no, I do not use any steroids.

    submitted by /u/BaranCODE
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    Rant Wednesday

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Welcome to Rant Wednesday: It's your time to let your gym/fitness/nutrition related frustrations out!

    There is no guiding question to help stir up some rage-feels, feel free to fire at will, ranting about anything and everything that's been pissing you off or getting on your nerves!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Chest development

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    I have been training for a little over a year and feel like my chest is falling behind, even though I train it 2x a week minimum. I normally do bench, incline bench, and pec decs or dips to finish off. I push myself with heavy weight too and do a mix of 5x5 and 3x10.

    Can anyone tell me if I am being too judgemental of myself or give me any advice to grow it?

    Also, could someone estimate my body fat as I don't think i'm very accurate with guessing body fat by eye.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/scrubZ0
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    Best way to improve depth on squats

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi, first post. I'm 75kg at 6'1. Pretty lean but putting weight on fairly consistently each week on 3k calories a day. Anyway, as per title-my squat weight goes up pretty consistently and I can usually progressively overload by 2.5kg each week and feel generally strong with it, going to failure but always feel I have more in the tank to go beyond my planned reps. But the depth on these is only really parallel and I'd like to have more depth.

    Obviously I'm also doing other workouts for my legs too but squats are the focus.

    I'm at 90kg high bar squat (5x5) at the moment but want to go 'ass to grass' from now on. So Monday I dropped down to 85kg and this wasn't great... Could barely manage 5 sets of 4, failed miserably on the 4th rep of last set and had to take the bar down to the safety pins. Form was OK but I really felt like I was grinding them out, stalling a bit coming out of the hole, and was finding it hard to keep my chest up when I was all the way at the bottom, back neutral coming back up.

    What would be the best way of getting up to my current 90kg and beyond, but ATG depth? Drop weight down considerably, higher reps and build up from there?

    OR is that much depth required/ is there much 'in it' between parallel and atg in regards to gains and strength building?


    submitted by /u/Manlikefunk
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    Should you go high intensity once in a while?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    I asked 2 gym trainers and both of them have different answers when it comes to building strength. I have been doing the same thing for months just doing 4 sets with 15 reps on lightweight until i hit failure.

    1st trainer said that high intensity with a spotter is good to make your muscles adapt to heavier weights. 5 sets 5 reps starting with heavy weight and then load a few more after each set

    2nd trainer said that I should just lift lighter weights with a lot of reps and sets and put a small increasing load every time. 4 sets 15 reps starting with very light weights and then load a few more after each set

    My goal is to build Strength while bulking and then cut. I'm still a newbie.

    submitted by /u/IAEInferno
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    Curiosity on some workouts/tips

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    My plans for the gym are pretty much gone now. Curious about how I can utilize small weights (15-20) pounds for my curling. Would it be best to do high numbers of reps at a slow pace to compensate for the high weight? Or should I just do regular routine?

    Been trying to also get into calisthenics at this time. I do different variations of pushups. But what about triceps. What could possibly be done for that besides from dips. I can order a dip bar but who knows how long that'll take.

    Also been trying to strengthen my legs. I have no gym equipment at all I can use to my advantage. Besides from being a delivery driver and carrying and running from truck to house I get a somewhat good workout.

    Also, back spasms. It's every time I stretch I have to roll around. I'm assuming it's related to nerves but what doctor would I go for that? My lower spine has always had this issue ever since I've gotten out of the Marines.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/slvx456
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    Optimal Mix Of HIIT And Resistance Training?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    Im M23, 145lbs, 5'7.

    Im currently on a diet, about 1600-1700 calories, 130ish grams of protein per day. My gyms nearby have closed down, so Im trying to work at home. The only equipment I have is a treadmill at home, and Im trying to get a pullup bar as well.

    I read that doing HIIT every day is bad, and your legs needs time to rest. So would it be safe to do something like this-

    Monday, Wed, Friday : HIIT Cardio. 5min warm-up, 1min burst, 2 min cooldown, around 5-8 cycles.

    Tuesday, Thursday, Sat: Resistance Training. Nothing set, but something mix of exercises listed here? If anyone has some examples of what to do, i'd appreciate it. https://aaptiv.com/magazine/no-equipment-strength-training for some amount of exercise.

    Sunday: Rest

    is this the best course for me? Or should I do some other mix. I just need some temporary workout to replace strength training while gyms are closed.

    submitted by /u/Variental
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    How can I use a log to workout?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Since there will be no gyms, I want to cut down a tree, since there is a forest in my backyard. So I was thinking, how could I use a log to have a decent workout? I could maybe bench press from the ground, and shoulder press as well. Maybe have a heavier log for squats. And some other stuff. How would you do it if you were in my shoes?

    submitted by /u/SadanielsVD
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    (M/20/5’8) 6 month lifting + weight gain progress

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    M/20/5'8, 56kg - 67kg (6 Months)

    Progress pics: https://imgur.com/a/nE8alHz

    I started lifting in September, with the intention to increase my strength and also develop a more aesthetic physique. Through this time I have been following the Ivysaur 4x4/4x8 program.

    For the first two-three months I added weight to the barbell for all excercises weekly in increments of 2.5kg or 5kg, however I eventually reached a plateau where my strength progress slowed. In bench press for example, I've been stuck at 55kg for 3 months.

    My progress for each exercise (assuming 4x8):

    Bench 27.5kg - 55kg

    Squat 27.5kg - 65kg

    OHP 27.5kg - 35kg

    BB rows 27.5kg - 40kg

    Deadlift 27.5kg - 65kg

    My daily goal is to eat 200-500 calories above my maintenence level (which has gone from roughly 2500 to 3000). Recently I haven't been able to eat anymore than 3200 calories in a day because of time constraints (I'm a very slow eater).

    My diet has been generally consistent across these six months:

    -Breakfast: 100g oats and 25-50g of peanut butter

    -Snack: 500g of frozen vegetables consisting of carrots, beans, broccoli, cauliflower (recently haven't had time to eat this every day)

    -Lunch: 250g of Pasta

    -Dinner: 300g of Brown Rice with 250g of Chicken Mince, 100g of Salmon or 125g of Sardines

    Overall I am disappointed and confused about the progress I have made, as it appears to me as minimal. It appears as though I don't physically appear much different (especially in the arms - how can I make changes in this area specifically?)

    Am I being impatient? I am curious if I should transfer to another lifting program instead of the Ivysaur program. Maybe I have been following this routine with an incorrect mindset.

    submitted by /u/nsalhonzta
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    Recommend a cardio bike with a game/competition on screen

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Last post was auto banned by the bot as a 'find me an app' post but this not that.

    I saw an ad on youtube a while back that had a guy and girl competing in what seemed like a game/app linked to their cardio bike. Do you guys have any recommendations for a bike with this kind of functionality?

    Basically just a leaderboard with real-time stats of other people using the same bike/app that can turn it into a fun game/competition.

    submitted by /u/styxxxola
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    Hamstring compound lifts? (Confused)

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Simple question here. I'm hitting my legs with squats, barbell hip thrust, and hang clean regularly. I'm not sure any of these lifts hit hamstrings directly, since from an anatomical point of view the knee joint is extending in all three of these lifts, which is the opposite motion of the primary job of the hamstring which is to bend in the knee.

    Do these lifts actually work the hamstring well considering none of them actually involve contracting the hamstring? Even deadlift does not contract the hamstring yet is commonly cited as a hamstring exercise

    Any good compound lifts that actually contract the hamstring?

    submitted by /u/chillermane
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    Anyone ever feel this

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    So I used to do weight lifting back when I was 18 (how I lost most of my mass 210lb-180lb) but I stopped since then because it stopped being fun. Over the years ive stayed at 180lb but my muscle mass has just been converting back into fat and since I kept my healthier eating habits I havent gone up in weight at all.

    Basically what im trying to get to is that today when I did my 1st workout in 2 years I was getting this warm fuzzy feeling my arms while doing reversed barbell curls. Around my 10th rep my shoulder were in this warmth that felt super good. Lowkey kinda felt like gissing.

    Anyone ever experience this?

    submitted by /u/Cornchulio
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    Resistance bands don't feel as good

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Gyms are closed where I'm at for 2 weeks, can't buy any dumbbells (sold out everywhere lol) so I'm using resistance bands for my workouts.

    But with the bands, even when reaching failure, I don't feel the same pump as I do with weights. Is this normal or do I need to adjust something?

    submitted by /u/Ecchii
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