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    Monday, July 12, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: tw: body dysmorphia | tdlr: does anyone else struggle with body dysmorphia triggered by weight loss?

    Beginner Fitness: tw: body dysmorphia | tdlr: does anyone else struggle with body dysmorphia triggered by weight loss?

    tw: body dysmorphia | tdlr: does anyone else struggle with body dysmorphia triggered by weight loss?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    this is less of a physical fitness post and more of a emotional one? I am asking that if you respond, please don't be fatphobic and consider that this is part of a mental disorder. while i believe i have thick skin, i have severe panic attacks just trying to figure out what i look like or will look like and it's incredibly frustrating. i dont really need to read comments about being too heavy (i know) or "don't focus on what you look like". im not trying to be shallow. i'm just trying to align the me in my head and the me that keeps physically changing.

    Growing up, I was always considered fat. I was 5'3 and 135 pounds freshman year of high school and all everyone could me tell me was that I need to lose 10-20 and I would be "golden" but no one set me up to have healthy relationship with food so I have been gaining about ~10ish pounds a year since high school. At first, I didn't really notice a huge change until college when i hit 190-200lbs my junior year. Because fat grows mostly in my lower body, my pants would rip before they got too small and stretchy jeans were very forgiving. It wasn't until this year that I even officially had to go up in pant sizes since high school. Thanks to a lot of anti-fatphobia work, I was able to realize that there were multiple things I loved about my body. Specifically how curvy I am. I personally had to love my body at 200lbs to ever care enough to go to the gym or work on my stamina or strength train. However it seems to have bitten me in the ass because now I keep having severe panic attacks because watching other people's weight loss journey makes my skin crawl because i don't want to look like that. Not in disgusted way as everybody is beautiful!!!!, but in a "everyone told me that losing weight was the key to looking like your best self and that was a lie." My goal is basically what i looked like at ~160-170lbs but stronger (in ref to proportions not necessarily weight) but I'm terrified that I will slip in to the self loathing again because I did the work now and I really dont want to lose my hips. The worst thing is I can't be sure if i can even use younger pictures of myself as reference because I was a teenager and my bone structure likely did change after puberty. I wish I could see what the end result is.

    I know the fitness community hates things like waist trainers and plastic surgery but it's the only way i've seen people help keep their curves. Is there a better way? I'm not training for a better body because my body is perfectly mine. I am training to get stronger (and for a plumper 🍑), I just am struggling with other potential changes. It was easier to gain bc I was already fat. It was just more of me yk? Plus, the way that people talk about their befores is so goddamn mean and im essentially the before. I dont want some skinny asshole (me) calling me fat and lazy when I was the one going to the gym at my weakest. Is this something other people can relate too? This might be niche but hopefully someone can understand.

    submitted by /u/yummyh20
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    Is supplements important?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    So, I recently started going back to the gym after taking a year off due to the fear of getting covid. Ever since I came back my PT has been pressuring me into buying supplements again. My question is do they really help in burning off fat? and does it really matter weather I get it from the actual gym or a store outside that's usually cheaper?

    submitted by /u/night_crawler101
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    30 Days

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Is it possible to go from a bit chubby to having some muscle within 30 days? I wanna start working out and being more healthy and fit. I've never really worked out much before so I was wondering if anyone has any tips? Like are burpees and pull-ups fine ? I have 2 - 15LB Dumb Bells? I appreciate any tips and help given. By the way. I am 22 years old at about 6'2 and 190LBS. I have some stomach fat and wanna get rid of it and look more fit... or toned or whatever. Sorry I'm really new to this. Again thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/titan_666
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    Lower Back Work

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    Are Romanian Deadlift and Bentover dumbbell rows enough to work the lower back?

    submitted by /u/FairyGodDaddy
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    Elevation gain at the start of end of a 6 km walk?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    When incorporating walking into your fitness plan (hopefully eventually running) would it be better to have a elevation gain at the beginning or end of you walk? (Lives in a hilly area haha)

    submitted by /u/redidiot9
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    Lift Routine

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I am 6'2, 15, and 200-240 pounds. i do not know exactly. I think i have natural body strength, and i am just looking to gain muscle and bulk or cut possibly? does anyone have a 5 day regime in order to have the best results and performance? pls and thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/bigboi363
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    Best Places / Methods to Do Pull Ups at Home or at Work?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    So long story short, I live with my parents still and for whatever reason my dad is vehemently opposed to me installing a pull up bar on any door frame in the house.

    I've made a habit of doing random push ups throughout the day, starting with about 30 - 40 when I first wake up. I probably total at least 100 push-ups per day now.

    But I want to add pull-ups to my routine and start "greasing the groove", what are the best ways to work around my dads restrictions?

    I was even considering buying a pull up bar for the office I work at (not sure how management feels about that one lmao)

    submitted by /u/jvstnmh
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    Buying new sport equipment

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Hello there, Recently I started to think about starting a new diet with practicing little sports, I want to start with treadmill. What are the features that must exist in the device that will help me practicing sports

    submitted by /u/AliBaniBakar
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