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    Friday, July 2, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: i need help to lose weight

    Beginner Fitness: i need help to lose weight

    i need help to lose weight

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    i've posted in another forum already. i just really want lots of feedback. i am trying to lose weight. i don't feel comfortable in my body anymore and i need to make changes.

    i am completely new to working out/eating healthy. if you have any cheap healthy meals, workout routines, or any tips i would greatly appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/happydaze2gether
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    Any suggestions?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    I've been doing fitness for 2 months, and been wondering should I shred my body, and lose some fat to get abs, or should I wait more to get more power. My current body fat is around %20

    submitted by /u/WilliamJAshford
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    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    so im thirteen and bench abt 50pounds with ten reps before taking like a 30sec break (weigh 160) anything i should change?

    submitted by /u/Longjumping_Feeling6
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    Routine check? (M35/5'7/233lbs)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Hi All

    I've recently started going to the gym and wanted to get your advice on my routine. My goals include:

    - Losing fat

    - Looking better (aiming for v-shape, and developing glute muscles - serious case of Hank Hill butt going on)

    - Gaining strength

    My current routine (3 days a week at the gym) is:

    Day 1

    Squat 5x5

    Chest dip (assisted) 5x5

    Chin up (assisted) 5x5

    Seated Overhead Press 5x5

    Tricep Extension 3x10

    Front raise 3x10

    Standing Calf Raise 3x10

    Day 2

    Leg press 5x5

    Seated row 5x5

    Bench press 5x5

    Military press 5x5

    Tricep pushdown 3x10

    Lateral raise 3x10

    Standing calf raise 3x10

    Day 3

    Deadlift 5x5

    Lat pulldown 5x5

    Incline bench press 5x5

    Overhead press 5x5

    Preacher curls 3x10

    Reverse fly 3x10

    Weighted lunges 3x10

    Beyond this I walk a lot, averaging about 15k steps a day. I am also working with a nutritionist to get the eating portion under control.

    Does this routine seem good for my goals? Is there something I should change in order to better realize my goals? Any advice would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/RowanSin
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    Critique my beginner routine

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    43M 95kg(210lb). Was 114kg(250lb) a year ago. Corrected my diet then and have been gradually losing weight. Started brisk walking several months ago. I'm not new to exercise but am new to strength training. I also fortunately can afford the time for below. I have multiple goals:1) Continue to lose weight 2) Get stronger 3) Gain volume 4) Walk a 880km(550mi) through hike 5) Not hurt myself

    I've been doing the walking all in one go but feet get really sore/hot/friction feels like I'm going to blister and injure myself so going to take a break between and remove shoes/cool off feet.


    Warmup daily Stretch Walk 1.6km @ 5.5km/hr Situps Calf raises

    Strength every other day 3 sets of 8 reps at weight that results in just under fatigue on the last rep. Go up to 12 reps, then increase weight and back to 8 reps to fatigue.

    -Bench Press -Lat Pulldown -Seated Row 70/3/8 -Dumbell Bicep Curl / Overhead Press -Dumbell Squats -Dumbell Lateral raises

    Walk daily 3 sets of 5km @5.5km/hr and 2% incline gradually raising the distance and incline over time. 15min rest between sets

    What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/clevercamel2
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    Trainers don't feel quite right

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    I wanted to get fit and take up running, so I got out my old pair of trainers. I remember years ago when I wore them that they made my feet feel really odd like they had "clicked" out of place (not really sure how to describe it). When trying them on I feel as though my feet are leaning inwards so much. Is this normal? They feel as though they are the right size though. Should I buy a new pair? If so: I am looking for a pair of running shoes that would be good for trail and road. Recommendations? Price less than £65 (although loads are in the sale rn)

    (Current trainers are Nike Flex Trail)

    submitted by /u/theimaginarypanda
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    Are Ring push ups necessairy

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    Are Ring push ups necessary if you do Ring dips? For example if I do the following for the upper body


    Ring pull ups Ring Australian pull ups


    Ring dips Ring push ups or?

    Could Ring push ups be substituted with something more effective? Or something else?(because I find them easy)

    submitted by /u/TheoOG5
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