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    Thursday, June 3, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Not eatting to lose weight

    Beginner Fitness: Not eatting to lose weight

    Not eatting to lose weight

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Is it bad to not eat to lose weight when working out? I've been taking supplements to suppress my appetite and I find myself not wanting to eat or I can easily ignore the signals my body is sending off. Just wondering if I'm dooming myself when I do this.

    submitted by /u/Takashinig
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    Former fit individual trying to get fit again! (21M)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    So to start, in high school, I was no fitness animal, but I was definitely in decent shape, if anything a bit skinny, and tall, ~175, 6'2". This was because of my daily rowing routine, where I was doing around 2-3 hours of rowing a day. I found the rigid routine of high school followed by exercise lent itself well to how I am as a person.

    Fast forward 4 years and I've obviously lost that sort of motivation due to mostly lack of self accountability, college dining, alcohol, and lack of sleep. I am now a 21 year old male, 6'2", sitting at around 195-205. I lack real muscle mass, and the muscle that I do have (such as in my legs) is covered by fat. To put things into perspective, I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I'm definitely overweight. I can thank the residual broadness in my shoulders from crew for making me look half decent when I have a shirt on, but the truth can be seen in my once-defined jawline looking like its loaded with blubber. I also personally feel like shit, and my sleep, tiredness, etc are all definitely affected.

    Here's my problem: I'm still a relatively strong individual who can put semi-good numbers up when I do lift once in a blue moon. My cardio isn't too bad, I ran a 7:55 mile the other day. With this in mind, I don't know if a total beginners plan fits my profile as someone who at one point was fit and wants to get back into exercising. Maybe I have too much hubris and I should stop trying to rush results. What do you guys think? Are there any exercise plans you'd recommend from someone who was formerly in shape?

    submitted by /u/Icy_Set9256
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    Where to start ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    I'm 23 5'6 around 240 pounds. Got a planet fitness membership. I'm trying to loose as much fat as I can and gain muscle . I have my diet set up already. I just don't know what to do as soon as I hit the gym I freeze and go straight for chest

    submitted by /u/boosted240sx
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    Trying to gain muscle, with swimming and a routine

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello amazing community: So i have been following a routine where i work 3 part of the body: Chest, Legs and abs. But i recently started swimming two days: Monday and Friday, and i do the routine only on Wednesday. Should i add a day on the weekend or add more weight on the routine. I notice i am looking more muscular with the Sport than with the routine. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Andmau00
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    Looking for beginner fitness routine with freeweights and machines (no barbells)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    I'm Female looking to lose my Covid weight and regain strength. I don't want to introduce any barbells at the moment. Does anyone have a recommended weekly routine that just encorporates freeweights and machines? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ziggy222
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    How to eat to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    So I lost about 50 lbs a while back, could probably still lose another 15 lbs. (5'10 187lbs) I'm now weight lifting to build bulk. Which requires me to eat at a calorie surplus.

    But if I already have a surplus of calories on me. Should I really be eating so much? Or should I just make sure my protein is where in needs to be, but eat calorie neutral over all, or even at a deficit until my fat is burned off? Or should I not worry about it and focuse on building muscle?

    My weight is currently going up. And I'm pretty sure it's not all muscle, it's going up to fast for that, 5lbs in a month

    submitted by /u/dex1984
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    Advice on exercise bike

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    I am overweight and I want to buy an exercise bike to get some decent exercise. Whilst searching, I found a bike that seems to be good for £199 but I found many £35-£40 so called 'pedal machines'. Will a pedal machine provide a similar workout as an exercise bike? And should I buy the pedal machine instead (I'm 16 and don't have a job so the full bike would be expensive)

    TLDR: Will a pedal machine be as good as an exercise bike for a workout?

    submitted by /u/TuttiFrutti1090
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    Spotify playlist to boost your workout results...

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    Check out my Spotify pump up rock playlist to get you energized for the big lift and see better results!


    submitted by /u/cob222222555
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