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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start...

    Beginner Fitness: Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start...

    Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    I am a mid 30s female who is naturally thin. I've never been big into fitness and eat lots of sweets. During quarantine I started drinking a lot and gained about 20lbs. I hate the way I look and need to make a change. I have no idea how to start. I have started changing my diet. Basically trying to eat less sugar, processed food, and incorporating more vegetables and water. I'm about 5'7" and used to hold steady around 125lbs. Now as I said, I never really worked out so I was never really toned. But I want to be. So I want to lose weight and just look better! But I feel overwhelmed. Is there a program I can follow? I don't want to pay for one. I feel like there is enough free info on the internet but I really do not know where to start, it's just overwhelming. Somebody help me please! Much thanks!!

    submitted by /u/illiteratebutRead
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    How to organize my exercises for my workouts every week

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Hi, i'm a skinny 17 y.o. trying to gain weight, using parallettes and resistance bands at home, and a backpack for weighted exercises like weighted push ups. I want to make my back, shoulders, chest, and arms stronger - what is the best way to organize my exercises to do this? for example, should i do chest and arms workout on one day, and back and shoulders on the other? which muscles should i workout in the same day to produce the greatest muscle gain?

    submitted by /u/M_Grimes
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    How to slowly get myself back into exercising?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    16M, I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I know it's too much. I started exercising January, but kind of stopped about early April, and was wondering what are some simple, but effective exercises I can do to gradually get back into exercising without hurting myself.

    submitted by /u/CJPsalm139
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    Beginner Teen

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I'm a 16 year old boy, 5'10, 140lbs and I'm looking to get bigger whilst staying somewhat lean. What should I start by doing workout and diet wise ?

    submitted by /u/playboibaan
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    Don’t know where to start!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:54 PM PDT

    Hi there! My name is Belle and I'm 20 years old. For most of my life I was super athletic and played sports all year round so never had to worry about my weight. I'm now a senior in college and now am about 40lbs heavier than I'd like to be. I want to start going to the gym but don't know how to start. I hear people talk about workout splits but can't seem to understand it. I would like to get into lifting because of all of the things I've seen about it - but again… don't know where to start! I have figured out on MyFitnessPal how my macros should look for my calorie deficit so I'm good in that area, now I want to learn how to get better at working out! Any tips are appreciated!!!

    submitted by /u/BrilliantBall8168
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    What to do

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    For reference im 16yo (240lb) 6ft with a wide frame/big bones (i.e. big shoulders, legs, arms). This year was the year i was the most active i lost 10-20 pounds, being honest i spent most of childhood sheltered other than swimming regularly, so there isnt much muscle to start (in my arms/chest). I just know im looking to build a base of fitness to where working out doesnt feel like a chore. i have work ethic but my body literally gives due to my damage and abuse to it. I guess my question is should i focus on gaining muscle/losing weight or should i focus on conditioning/diet?

    submitted by /u/Floatyminds
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    Best Way to do Weighted Squats at Home

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:57 PM PDT

    I've been trying to do squats at (my parent's) home. I don't have much space in my room as it's very small already and I have a foldable bench and weights taking up a bit of room too. Therefore, a squat rack isn't really an option, pretty much ruling out back squats. I've already spent a lot on the bench and other equipment and work out after work (around midnight - 2am) so I don't intend on joining a gym.

    I've been experimenting with the front squat but I'm finding the standard grip (two fingers around the bar and the bar across the shoulders) difficult, especially getting my elbows high enough and keeping them there. I will preserve with this to see if I can master it but I'm just wondering if there are any other alternatives to weighted squats. How significant a difference would it be if I held the bar up in front of me (ie the 'top' of a barbell curl or even lower in a sort of 'top' of a deadlift positon)? Would this essentially be a goblet squat with a barbell instead of a dumbbell? Any other alternatives that may be almost as effective as a traditional back or front squat?

    submitted by /u/ReusGotzeGuerreiro
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    Beginner Workout Routine

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    30y/o F with a BMI hovering at 18. Looking to gain weight (approx 10-15lbs) and start a workout routine that is practical to maintain. Already eating as much as I can handle per day including a protein shake. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/GunnerBoi1991
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    Where to even begin?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I'm 18 years old and a pretty skinny weak guy. Really want to start working out, kinda tired of always having a small frame and I really want to bulk up and build muscle and just get stronger overall. What kind of beginner workouts should I do? And how often?

    submitted by /u/OptimisticWookie
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    Wearing Suits

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    I got a stretch suit a few days ago from an online order and everything else fits perfectly except that I noticed that the shoulders are about 0.75 inches too small on both sides (droops over ever so slightly). I brought to a tailor and he says its looks relatively ok and that trying to make that kind of adjustment could ruin the suit. I am a "newbie" in the gym (honestly I was consistent for 2 years before covid and fell completely off losing gains, now getting back to exercising) and was wondering how much (on average +/- standard deviation) could I expect my shoulders to grow if going from beginning working out again to reaching limits of genetic potential after 4-5 years of consistency (without steroids).

    I dont mind looking "muscular" in suit just not "small" in suit.

    SN: I never made concrete measurements of circumference before or took pictures (which I regret) just estimated fitness in mirror and wrote down reps and sets progress

    submitted by /u/Thoth_X
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    Is running bad for your knees?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    I have always been working out bodyweight and did martial arts, so I'm in a pretty good shape but I've never been really into running, now I'd like to add that (or cycling) into my routine, that'd be less complicated than cycling (and cheaper) but I'm afraid for my knees in the long term, is there truth behind that rumor or it's just a myth?

    submitted by /u/ShredScr
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    Weight lifting causing back pain? Start with this

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    I started a series on Acute Low Back Pain this week and I wanted to share video two in the series. It covers one of the easiest and most impactful introductions back into a more active life.

    You can check it out here

    You can check out video one of this series here: https://youtu.be/srJOcokniJ0

    submitted by /u/Fitness4BackPain
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