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    Friday, June 18, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: It takes a really long time to recomp. Years. Don't get discouraged by crazy before and after transformations you see online.

    Beginner Fitness: It takes a really long time to recomp. Years. Don't get discouraged by crazy before and after transformations you see online.

    It takes a really long time to recomp. Years. Don't get discouraged by crazy before and after transformations you see online.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Something I wish people had made more clear for me starting out. People always tell you it's more about being consistent over a long period of time than extreme work outs. but it is impossible to actually hear that message. There's this idea that if you just diet hard enough, or excercise more and more hours you'll magically be able to add 5 lbs of muscle in one month and completely recomp your body. I've realized that the first step is simply building a base of fitness so im in shape enough to work out better. You need to work out....in order to be able to work out so that you can get stronger.... so that you can work out more... it's just how it is lol.

    You might look soft for a while as your body starts kicking important processes into gear. So despite what people tell you, and despite what you see in the mirror or on the scale, a day you work out is never a day wasted. What I did two months ago is helping me now. The beginning of my fitness journey actually made me look way worse. I looked bad in comparison to when I was thin ish with no muscle. That was really hard for me. It felt pointless. Unhealthy living looked great on me. It's been months like... 13 months of non consistent working in and fall off the wagon and dragging myself back on and I'm body is juuuuust now finally switching to "firm" rather than squishy and hopefully some day it will switch to tight and small. But that takes alot of time.

    Over all when I'm done I might look similar to before I started. Thats kind of weird. I'll be a similar shape (hopefully) but a different consistency lol. Some of the most important things that happen are internal. I will be a completely different person. Like organs and ligaments, and lung capacity, and core. How much oxygen your blood can carry around.

    So just stick with it. People say it's 80% diet. Honestly it's 80% waiting. Just time. I mean work out but don't kill yourself for something that requires lots and lots of time. You'll see what you're doing now 3 months from now. You know what I mean? I hope that helps anyone who feels discouraged. It's a really really slow burn but things are happening that you can't see.

    submitted by /u/Throwawayjustcuz68
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    Starting from scratch

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm writing this to hopefullly get some helpful tips on where I should begin. I've yo-yo'd weight my whole life and have battled with my weight for most of my life. Right now where I am gyms are closed. I've put on weight since covid began and I am the heaviest I have been in years. I don't have any home gym equipment, and I feel like I have such a mountain to climb, and I don't know where to even begin. I don't know much about diet other than super clean eating is important but it's hard to stay on track when you get tired of bland chicken/fish. Any suggestions are welcome


    submitted by /u/JDAK86
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    Cannot do push ups, so where to start?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 01:35 AM PDT

    28 years old guy, clearly cant do proper push-ups. I am not overweight as I dont drink or eat junk foods. However, its been 8 years since I did any gym or sport. Weak shoulders is definitely there...

    The body is average, and rigid. Should I go to gym? Its 80$ per month on 12 month contract. I am concerned that it might be useless as I lack the habit and discipline for gym.

    What can I do on my own? I have already started increasing daily walks to 10 km. Its beginning of my fitness goals, so any tips for accountability , long term plan is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/gfggfgefgyt
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