• Breaking News

    Monday, June 28, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Hi, we recently set up a garage gym. Rack, barbell, weights , pulley , etc. I am looking for a workout program that’s not CrossFit. I am a beginner and I want to learn lifting type movements. I would prefer one that included warm ups and mobility

    Beginner Fitness: Hi, we recently set up a garage gym. Rack, barbell, weights , pulley , etc. I am looking for a workout program that’s not CrossFit. I am a beginner and I want to learn lifting type movements. I would prefer one that included warm ups and mobility

    Hi, we recently set up a garage gym. Rack, barbell, weights , pulley , etc. I am looking for a workout program that’s not CrossFit. I am a beginner and I want to learn lifting type movements. I would prefer one that included warm ups and mobility

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    So I've been working out for 4 months now (44 year old guy who never stepped foot into a gym before this). I have two friends who are in excellent shape and have a lifetime of gym experience and they shared the do's and dont's with me. Saw great results in terms of weight loss and muscle growth.

    I know what I have to do (proper technique, proper weights/exercises, etc.) I have to lift more to start showing progress but my problem is I lift to my failure and can't seem to get any stronger.

    No matter what I do I am maxed at certain weights and reps. My friends tell me to push harder but I physically can't. What do you do to breakthrough a limit like this?

    (For example, dumbbell curls for biceps: I worked up from 5 lbs to 40 lbs and no matter what I do, take, drink or eat, I simply cannot lift a 50 lbs dumbbell. )

    submitted by /u/couple_of_bumps
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    Is going to gym more frequently better?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    Me and a friend are buying a gym pass this summer but have no idea how many times we should go each week or what workout plan to use (we are beginners). I actually would prefer more days a week because I find it quite fun, but I also heard rest days actually help build more muscle or something. I would love some recommendations of 6 day workout plans or why less days is better. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Bubba_FPS
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    How to body recomposition.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Ive been skinny fat for a long time now, its taken quite a toll on my confidence and self esteem. I have an uncle svi is big into fitness and used to be a bodybuilder who is setting up his own gym, so i have access to equipment and help with strength, but im still confused about the dietary aspect of it. How much protein do i need for my height? How much strength training do i need vs How much cardio i need. How do i make sure i get enough vitamins while not breaking the bank

    Any recommended exercises or videos to watch are appreciated

    submitted by /u/Oppietheman
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    So…how do I start?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    I really hope this isn't too vague to post here, but I have to ask the worst question fitness gurus can hear: where do I even begin? I'm a trans guy (18) getting top surgery (hopefully) within the next year and my god am I overweight and out of shape. I'm 5'7", 275 lbs (I think, I haven't weighed myself out of fear in months), and my lungs are permanently damaged from contracting COVID last fall (so cardio is very difficult for me). I also have issues with consistency and dedication to a plan, as do most people. Oh, and money is a b*tch, so buying my own equipment or getting a private trainer are not feasible options, unfortunately.

    Are there any steps I can take to better myself physically that aren't too daunting?

    submitted by /u/swxdishphish
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    weight gain

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    hi! I just started my workout journey. I've been on YouTube but sometimes idk if I trust the videos I'm running into. About me: F/23 5'10 120LBS & Im desperate to gain weight but I want to do it naturally. I even had a baby & didn't gain weight during or after my pregnancy, I actually lost weight. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/majorgirls
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    FITNESS WORKOUT 15 MIN/ TOTAL BODY/ LOSE WEIGHT/ Exercises with elastic bands, dumbbells

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:06 PM PDT


    Do this every day just for 15 minutes and lose weight and get toned

    submitted by /u/HolyPolli
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    How to start at the complete beginning

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone. I have to ask you all. I'm a male with 187cm and round about 100kg. I've never done much sport. But I think it is time to start. I hope you all can help me to get motivated and give me some tips. My goal is it to get more stamina, burn fat and gain muscles. The most fat is at the abdominal and the thorax (yes I have little male tits)

    Thank you so much everyone. (English is not my mother tongue, if something not understandable please let me know)

    Great greets Curry

    submitted by /u/DerMehrCurry
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