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    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: How to get started

    Beginner Fitness: How to get started

    How to get started

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    I'm a 5'2 F approximately 180lbs. I constantly want to eat junk food and drink soda to comfort myself during stressful times. I have a really busy schedule and everytime I try to lose weight I never stick with it. I end up going back to my old habits and gain more weight. Should I start with food or exercise first? Can you give me tips on how to start with either of those (easy meals to make, beginner workouts, etc) I hate feeling so unhealthy but I feel like I don't have the self control to stick with it

    submitted by /u/generalhappiness1
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    A reminder that strengthening the core will benefit your entire life, from better posture to being able to do more repetitions on your exercises. Here is a good quick article about some of the benefits if you are interested

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:52 AM PDT


    Core strength brings Better posture, less injuries, and relieves back pain.


    submitted by /u/benactive
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    Skinny fat trying to gain muscle mass

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    I'm 14 and weigh around 140, I'm trying to gain muscle mass, been working out for 7 weeks for my chest, shoulders, back, and triceps and I've seen a significant difference, what I want to focus Olin is my core, I have workouts for my legs but I still have a belly. It's nothing too serious, I just want to know some workouts for my belly, no weight loss necessary.

    submitted by /u/kenmackeral
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    Don't Tease My Protein Please!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    My weight is too low and I’m still losing weight! What am I doing wrong?!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Im 28F and I've always been fairly slim.

    I'm 5ft 4 and have remained at 51-52kg (112-114lbs) for most of my adult life. In December, I realised I put some weight on my stomach and hips and weren't fitting as well. I weighed myself and was nearly 55kg (121lbs). I looked much heavier though, as I have no muscle mass.

    I calculated I was consuming probably ~2,500 calories per day and burning only around 1,600. I began walking 10,000 steps every day and cut my calories to 1,500. I lost the weight quite easily and reached my target of 51kg (112lbs) in March. I was shocked though when I reached my target and still felt a little chubby.

    I've now been focusing on recomp by incorporating bodyweight exercises into my day to try to gain some muscle and shift that last bit of stomach fat.

    I'm now consuming between 1,700-2,000 calories per day, depending on my exercise level. I always eat my TDEE or a little higher. I calculate my TDEE online and it matches what my Garmin watch tells me my estimated calories for the day are based on my height, weight and activity.

    Anyway, I'm still dropping weight and it's worrying me now, as I don't have anymore weight to lose.

    I weighed myself this morning (for the first time in 1 week) and I'm 49.3kg (109lbs). That puts my BMI at 18.7.

    I'm so confused, as I was expecting this would be the week it'd finally increase a bit again, as I've been indulging quite a bit over the week or so (I consumed 1,200 calories over my TDEE for the week).

    How can I be losing weight still if I'm eating my calculated TDEE? What am I doing wrong?

    Thank guys.

    submitted by /u/TTC1992
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    How heavy to lift without destroying my energy

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Is there a trick or method you use to figure out how heavy to lift without destroying your energy for further exercises?

    If im doing arms for example ill have several different exercises to do if i go heavy on the first i dont have any energy to do the rest or at least at decent weights. If i push it i defs cant hit my reps its really confusing.

    submitted by /u/Banky187
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    Bring Sally up

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Recently I started doing push-ups and I find it hard to stay motivated and do it regularly. Now a friend of mine told me he does this everyday to the song Flower (bring Sally up, bring Sally down) , so I started doing this everyday as long as I can to the song. I went from 0:50 to 1:08 seconds in two weeks so there is improvement and I enjoy seeing that.

    I do know that this is not an ideal way to get fit, but I only want to get some strength on basic level since I already do a lot of cycling, skating and footballing, and this seems to be the only wah to stay motivated.

    Is it of any use to continue this or is this effort for nothing?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/theriverman23
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    Trouble gaining weight

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with having issues gaining weight, I'm 179cm tall, turning 25 and I weight around 52kg.

    I've weight this for a very long time and I think it has to do with some of my allergies.

    I am pretty much allergic to all fish, legumes (beans etc), all vegetables except broccoli, all fruit and some more stuff.

    But on top of that I have a very rare disease which causes my throat to be very thin, Its about 4cm wide which makes it hard for me to eat meat so I usually avoid it, as it can get stuck in my throat very easily.

    Is there anything I can do to start gaining weight? I eat twice a day, lunch and dinner and try to eat as much as possible btu due to my allergy with my throat I need to drink a lot of sparkling water to get my food to go down.

    I'd love to start working out again, but I always feel like I do no progress as I never gain any weight.

    submitted by /u/ItsMeOSRS
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    Why can’t my face sweat?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    I recently started running again using the Nike Run Club app (highly recommend BTW) and I've been really enjoying it. The past week I've been pushing myself to run 35 minutes straight on my run days. I feel like I'm putting in a good effort and my chest, back, the crook of my elbows and my thighs will sweat but for some reason my face won't! I turn tomato red and there's no perspiration at all. It feels completely dry. I have no idea if this is normal or if i should stop pushing myself so hard until I can ask my doctor about it? I guess it's possible I didn't drink enough water before I ran and I also just always have dry-ish skin but I don't wanna end up with heat exhaustion! Anyone else have this experience?

    submitted by /u/crackeroniandcheese
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    CHAIR TONE Core and Arms | Day 5 | Lose the Love Handles Workout

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Flowing 10 minute full body stretch, suitable for beginners to get you moving or before / after a workout

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:33 AM PDT

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