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    Friday, April 23, 2021

    Beginner Fitness: Jumping rope beginner plan?

    Beginner Fitness: Jumping rope beginner plan?

    Jumping rope beginner plan?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Female (21), 54kgs. I'm starting with rope jumping without any past experience. Where should I start from? I'm looking to gain strength, stamina and tone the body. Thank you

    submitted by /u/StreetMadMan
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    Is it true the more muscle we build / more we do an exercise, the less cals we burn? Then why do I get progressively sweatier??

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I'm 25 F 5'5 136 lbs relatively new to following a serious training regimen. I started in Feb at 143 lbs and and have been doing youtube fitness programs (specifically the chloe ting programs, which are body weight / resistance / aerobics) and I mix in some strength training with dumbbells. When I started my training I found everything so difficult to do and I was barely catching my breath. I would have to stop because my muscles felt completely dead and I couldn't move them or I was needing to use puffers and my vision was blacking out. Now the exercises are much easier to do and I don't run out of breath as much, so I ramp up with more challenging exercises but I still do the basic exercises like mountain climbers, reverse planks, push ups, burpees etc JUST WITH BETTER FORM!! :D.

    I hear often people saying that when you get more proficient at exercises or you build more muscle / endurance, you burn less calories doing the same exercise... Is this true? If it were the case, then why am I so much sweatier now when I work out when compared to the start of my fitness journey? :S I sweat so much I can't see and need to stop the workout several times just to wipe all the sweat off. Is the sweat not related to my exertion? I keep my thermostat at a constant temperature in my house and it's usually on the cooler side as I wear hoodies in the house even when it gets warm in the summer.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious-lemons
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    Managing New to Working Out Fatigue

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Hi, everyone.

    I've found that every time I try to start a workout routine that isn't light cardio, it absolutely wrecks me. I'd love any advice on how to balance acclimating my body to a new routine while not pushing myself too hard.

    Due to the pandemic, I haven't worked out much for the last year and, like so many people, am trying to get in shape. I also struggle with anxiety, so I figure working out will kill 2 birds with one stone. Two evenings ago, I did an on-demand full body workout. It was tough, but not impossible, and I actually felt energized afterwards. I drank a lot of water and had a protein shake right after.

    I was slightly sore for most of yesterday, but then really crashed with fatigue yesterday evening, and now I'm at the point where it hurts to walk down stairs. I understand this is probably delayed onset muscle soreness, and that's more manageable to me than the fatigue. Today I've tried drinking more water, vitamins, electrolyte drinks, and eating protein-rich foods. I'm feeling better, but still not great.

    I don't want to push through another workout if my body isn't ready for it, and I can't really afford 2 days of fatigue this weekend (I have a lot of grad school work to do). But I want to eventually get to the point where I don't feel like this after working out. Any suggestions?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PhDealings
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    Any ideas for my school project on fitness and food?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    Hello guys!

    (i will post this to r/loseit as well as r/beginnerfitness)

    TL;DR: I am searching for ideas what I could do on my fitness/food project for school.

    I have a new project in school (p.e.), aome sort of „sports diary" with a duration of 4 weeks, starting on Monday. The goal of it is to do sports, be active and be more sensible when it comes to food (we have to do a minimum of 12 training sessions, may it be running, a workout etc.).

    First things first: what exactly do I have to do? We have to do our own Sports- and Fitnessprogram over the timespan of 4 weeks and ofc document it. We have to do a lot of reflection and track things that are trackable (e.g. your morning run). We have to set goals (realistic ones ofc), but we also have to mark a point where our goal would be reached (e.g. training for running a mile without pausing).

    I've been collecting a few things on what I could do. I've been planning on doing one little challenge per week (e.g. going vegan for a week or do a little yoga every morning for a week) and trying to be more in my daily life (e.g. walk 8k steps everyday, walk to the trainstation instad of taking the bus). Food wise I was thinking about going vegan and ofc eating in a calorie deficit (I am overweight and tried to lose weight many times, maybe this will be (hopefully) a successful try as I actually have to prove it to someone to get a good grade).

    And what about me? As I've mentioned, I am overweight and have tried to loose weight several times. I have like zero endurance. Running is my nightmare (tho I have to train it for a running test we'll have to do in class this summer),"normal walking" isn't a problem for me, we own a dog so I can easily walk an hour or longer (depending on if I am in the mood to do it or not lol). Pre-Covid, I've been overweight too but with less fat and more muscles. I've kinda enjoyed going to the gym but then covid hit, and now I basically lost every muscle process I made. (Gyms in germany and everything else are still closed due to covid). I don't do much sports besides walking the dog and skating (I'm a beginner there as well) about once a week).

    Thanks for any ideas, I appreciate it (and thanks for reading =))

    submitted by /u/thisisina
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    Keep getting cramps / side stitches when I do more than 20 mins of cardio. Help?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    I've been using a cross trainer twice a week for almost two months now but increasingly often I find myself getting a tense pain on the lower part of my front abdomen. Usually in the left side but sometimes on the right. It usually seems to happen right around the 20 minute mark. It's v annoying bc I only wanna go for half an hour and it stops me with only 10 minutes left.

    The pain goes away when I stop exercising but comes back if I try to exercise again. What is this? Is it a side stitch? How can I prevent this and why does it keep happening??

    submitted by /u/MentalSkillness
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