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    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Beginner Fitness: Beginner yoga classes for complete inflexible people.

    Beginner Fitness: Beginner yoga classes for complete inflexible people.

    Beginner yoga classes for complete inflexible people.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Here are some accessible yoga classes created for Inflexible and beginner practitioners. It's a great way to begin a yoga practice but also bring movement and more range of movement within the body.

    👉 http://www.yogawithbird.com/2020/09/12/30-day-yoga-flexibility-series-for-beginners-inflexible-people/

    submitted by /u/HealingThroughLight
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    Staying lean during recovery

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Hey, guys! I am recovering from a fractured bone in the palm of my hand and will spend the next few weeks in a cast, a probably a few more after that doing physiotherapy. Weightlifting of any kind is obviously off the table, but i want to ask you what should i do to keep as much of my gains as possible during the recovery period as i am very prone to gaining weight in short periods of time.

    submitted by /u/ZeroPrime98
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    Yoga mat workout

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    I am looking for a good beginner workout that I can do on the space of a yoga mat. I don't have a lot of room and I don't really feel like investing in more than a mat until I get some habits ingrained.

    Also, I rely on my body for my job. It's a semi-physical one. I know I can adjust intensity to avoid some soreness, but the less sore I am, the better I am able to do my job. I especially rely on my upper body for it so something that won't make my arms sore will be especially appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RunDogRun2006
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    Is my workout too basic or okay?(3 months experience)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I started working out kind of seriously 3 months ago(consistently and organized that is).

    I don't do weights, I've only been willing too do weighted calisthenics, don't and wont go to the gym and I am guilty of not working out my legs and cardio.

    I've only improved my confidence, strength and my technique from this. There is little physical appearance difference, a minorly bigger chest, able too feel my back wings and move em, and defined back muscles wow.

    My first workout phase - First 3-5 weeks

    Rest:2-3 days

    Time break: 1-3 mins(3:30 mins sometimes)

    Strict no kipping Pull ups(Assisted 3 bands) 10 x 7

    Diamond push ups (hand position around chest) 15 x 4

    Diamond push ups (hand position around chest) 10 x 1

    Info: I found it hard too do 10 pull ups with 3 bands, had too work out form and technique during this first workout phase and heavily improved my pull up game. I already was good at push ups before working out so I worked on moving my hand positioning downwards little at a time for difficulty.

    Second workout phase - 3 weeks

    Rest:2-3 days

    Time break: 1-2:30 mins

    Strict no kipping Pull ups(No bands) 5x8

    Strict no kipping Pull ups(Assisted 2 bands) 10 x 3

    Diamond push ups (hand position around chest) 15 x 4

    Diamond push ups (hand position around chest) 10 x 1

    Info: Threw away one band, improved pull up technique, got stronger physically but not much physical appearance difference, and able to use my back muscles easier. Also moving hand positioning for push ups.

    This is my workout now(Been doing for 4-5 weeks)

    Rest:2-3 days

    Time break: 1-2 mins

    Strict no kipping pull ups(assisted 2 bands) - 15 x 2

    Strict no kipping Pull ups(assisted 2 bands) - 10x 4

    Diamond push up( hand position around top ab) 15 x 4

    Diamond push up( hand position around top ab) 10 x 1

    Info: I am changing my reps slowly, removing bands and overtime increasing the difficulty maybe via weighted calisthenics next year. Next week I will be doing pull ups 15 x 4, and pull ups 10 x 1 with 2 assisted bands.

    submitted by /u/SnooChipmunks5487
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    Newbie elbow pain

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    I started lifting some weeks ago and I have been experiencing elbow pain that usually appears 12-24 hours after some workouts. I have it right now and in my previous workout I did squats and bench presses.

    I have experienced this kind of pain before without exercising so I suspect that my wrist (?) is generally a bit sensitive.

    I have identified some exercises that I might be doing with wrong form and I am planning to improve my form:

    1. https://www.allthingsgym.com/low-bar-squat-elbow-pain/
    2. Bench press grip (https://youtu.be/vthMCtgVtFw?t=224)

    The pain I experience is when I fully extend and lock my arm or when I full flex it. It can also appear when I rotate it while extending.

    My questions are: is this golfer's or tennis elbow or something different? Is this problem common for beginners?

    submitted by /u/Risk5252
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    25 Min Glutes Workout

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:51 PM PDT

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